With the impending ERP project, it seemed best to begin to formalize a methodology for dealing with project requests, programming or development based. To that end I have made a first attempt at diagramming out a methodology that would best serve us to implement projects and enhancements in an agile, efficient manner. The diagram is just a first draft, and I welcome feedback on it.

The major business process principles implemented in the diagram are:

  • Providing a triage system to speed along simple requests.
  • Empowering all staff to make critical decisions about elements such as triage.
  • Reducing the incidents of review to encourage high quality work on the first pass.
  • Centering the work within functional groups or roles, not specific individuals.
  • Incorporating modern Agile Development Techniques into the process design.

  File Modified
PDF File consultingmethodology.pdf Jun 22, 2009 by Saul Saul
File consultingmethodology.pub Jun 22, 2009 by Saul Saul
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1 Comment

  1. Change "Advisory Board" to "Governing Board".

    The former I envision will be more about Technology and Methods and consist of overlap with the CSCI program, ETC, and CNS director. The Governing Board (currently ATC, but will probably need to be formally established as something different for the ERP project) will be about what we do and why..