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Comment: Added sanction completion policy


  1. Revocation of Admission:  Admission to the University may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation or a violation of the University policies.

  2. Revocation of Degree:  A degree awarded to a student by the University may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of University standards in obtaining the degree.

  3. Withholding Degree: The University may withhold the awarding of a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the process set forth in the Student Conduct Policy, including the completion of all sanctions imposed, if any.

  4. Expulsion from the University: Unconditional and permanent separation from the University. The expelled student shall be barred from the University campus and all University sponsored activities.

  5. Expulsion from the Residence Halls: Unconditional and permanent separation of the student from residing in, being around, participating in activities within or visiting the residence halls.

  6. Suspension from the University: The student is separated from the University for a specified period of time with the privilege of applying for re-entry after the period of suspension. In making a determination on the reentry application, the University will evaluate the documented (as appropriate) progress the student has made and/or any positive indication that the student is ready for re-entry. The student will need to obtain clearance from the Dean of Students, or designee, in order to return to academic work. The student will be barred from campus during his/her time of suspension, and will be treated as a trespasser if found on campus during their period of separation.

  7. Suspension from the Residence Halls: The student is required to move out of the residence hall and may not reside in, be around, participate in activities within, or visit the residence halls for a specified period of time with the privilege of applying for re-entry as a residential student after the period of suspension.  In making a determination on the re-entry application as a residential student, the University will evaluate the documented (as appropriate) progress the student has made and any positive indication that the student is ready to return to the residence halls. The student will need to obtain clearance from the Dean of Students, or designee, in order to return to the residence halls.  The student will be barred from being in or around campus housing during his/her time of suspension, and will be treated as a trespasser if found in or around campus housing during their period of separation.

  8. Restriction: The student is restricted from facilities, programming, participating in certain University events and activities, holding leadership positions at any level in campus organizations, or from remaining a resident on campus. Certain restrictions are imposed for a specified period of time, while others may be permanent.

  9. Probation: The student is placed under a status whereby any further violation of University regulations is considered in the context of the original violation and with prejudice. Additionally, the student is more likely to be suspended or expelled from Housing or the University during the time of probation status if found responsible of further student conduct violations. The period of probation lasts for a specified period of time. Probationary status may impact a student’s ability to study abroad and/or to hold leadership positions in student organizations.

  10. Residence Hall Relocation: Room re-assignment to another residence hall or floor.

  11. Warning: Written notification to the student that any repetition of the behavior will result in more severe disciplinary action.

  12. Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.

  13. Disclosure: In certain cases deemed appropriate by the proper authorities, information on an offense may be disclosed to individuals or the entire University community, including parents or guardians.

  14. Discretionary Sanctions: Educational assignments, essays, trainings, assessments, service to the community with a specified length of time, or other related discretionary assignments.

Sanction Completion Policy

Some sanctions include assignments issued to students at the discretion of the conduct officer. These active sanctions aim to help students learn from their incidents through structured, meaningful activity. These sanctions have deadlines issued on a case by case basis and students are encouraged to work with the conduct officer on their case to ensure the deadline is realistic for them. Absent an extraordinary circumstance, the following actions will be taken in the event that a student does not complete their active sanction by the assigned deadline.

  • First Offense: Failure to complete an educational sanction by the original deadline will result in $50 charged to the student account. The student will receive written notice of this and issued a revised deadline.

  • Second Offense: Failure to complete an educational sanction by the revised deadline will result in an additional $100 fined to the student account. The student will receive written notice of this and issued a second revised deadline.

  • Third Offense: Failure to complete an educational sanction by the second revised deadline will result in an additional fine of $150 charged to the student account. In addition, the student will be charged with failure to comply with sanctions and may face additional sanctions. In an administrative meeting the student will receive a third and final revised deadline and sanctions deemed appropriate by the conduct officer that may involve a suspension if the sanction is not completed.