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This COVID -19 Housing Agreement and Board Plan Addendum (the “Addendum”) serve as an addendum to and a
material part of Drew University’s Housing Agreement and Board (Dining) Plan and outlines assumptions of
risks, obligations, and rights with respect to residing in housing/residence halls provided by Drew University (the
“University”) during the academic year. 1.

  1. Assumption of Risk: As a resident within University provided housing, the novel coronavirus (“Covid-19”) or
    similar infectious diseases will impact Student’s housing experience as the University continues to make public
    health-informed decisions on how best to respond to Covid-19. The Student acknowledges, understands, and
    assumes the following risks associated with returning to campus and/or residing in University provided housing:


        1. COVID-19 is a highly infectious, life-threatening disease declared by the World Health
          Organization to be a global pandemic.


        1. COVID-19’s highly contagious nature means that contact with others, or contact with surfaces
          that have been exposed to the virus, can lead to infection. Additionally, individuals who may
          have been infected with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic for a period of time, or may never
          become symptomatic at all.


        1. Because of its highly contagious and sometimes “hidden” nature, it is very difficult for the
          University to control the spread of COVID-19, eliminate the risk of an individual contracting
          COVID-19, or determine whether, where, or how a specific individual may have been exposed
          to COVID-19.


      1. Health and Safety: The University expects that all members of the community—residents, faculty, staff and
        visitors—will act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect
        and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. All resident students are prohibited from
        creating a health or safety hazard within University provided housing and the University may request or require a
        resident to leave University provided housing if the University determines, in its sole discretion, that a resident
        student’s continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk to other members of the
        University community. Resident students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances,
        regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by the University as it relates to public health crises, including
        COVID-19. This guidance will evolve as the public health crisis evolves and may include, but is not limited to, social
        distancing, limitations on mass gatherings, wearing a face covering, COVID-19 testing based on University protocol,
        contact tracing, disinfection protocols, limitations on guests into residence halls (guests include but are not limited to
        other Drew resident students residing in another residence hall, non-Drew community members and current Drew
        commuter students), quarantine / isolation requirements (including before or upon arrival to campus), and changes in
        dining style, offerings and service. Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all residents, staff and
        visitors and extends to all aspects of residential life, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges,
        meeting rooms, and other common spaces. The Student agrees that the University shall be permitted to modify or
        update its Code of Conduct and policies and procedures at any time to address a public health crisis, including
        COVID-19, and the Student shall comply with such updates or modifications.


      1. Quarantine / Isolation / Separation: At any time, the University requires a resident to leave University provided
        housing when that resident’s continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for
        community members. Resident students are required to comply with requests from the Office of Residence Life and
        Housing to leave their assigned space due to COVID-19 or other public health crisis and failure to do so will
        constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct and may subject a student to emergency removal from their assigned
        space. Not all residential rooms, halls, or on-campus houses are appropriate for self-quarantine or self-isolation. In
        situations where a resident student is recommended to self-quarantine or self-isolate, students may not be permitted
        to continue residing in their residential space and will either be provided alternative housing arrangements when such
        space if available or be sent home. Removal from University housing to isolate or quarantine does not constitute a
        termination of the Housing Agreement.


      1. De-Densifying Efforts: Resident students are required to comply with any de-densifying efforts implemented by
        the University due to COVID-19 or other public health crisis, including, but not limited to, the relocation of all or some
        resident students to alternative housing. Relocation does not constitute a termination of the Housing Agreement. In
        the event the Office of Residence Life and Housing must relocate students as part of a de-densifying strategy due to
        public health concerns for an extended period of time and alternative housing is not available, impacted students will
        be able to receive a refund based on the dates and refund percentages outlined in Section 10 Refund Timeline for
        On-Campus Housing and Board Plan which provides for a sliding refund culminating on the fourth week with no
        more than a 50% housing refund.


      1. Dining Services: Dining service, including where and how it will be offered to resident students, is subject to the
        discretion of the University and is subject to modification to address public health concerns. Due to health and safety
        guidance adopted by the University, set forth in Paragraph 2, the University may limit the occupancy of dining halls,
        serve all products as grab-n-go, limit the amount of time students may stay within dining halls or make any other
        operational adjustments needed to address health and safety concerns.


      1. Cleaning: Facilities Services will continue to implement and modify cleaning protocols to address COVID-19 or
        other public health emergencies in the University’s efforts to minimize the spread of disease. The Office of Residence
        Life and Housing will educate and inform resident students on appropriate cleaning protocols within their assigned
        spaces to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within residence halls.


      1. Termination: Upon reasonable notice, the Office of Residence Life and Housing reserves the right to terminate the
        Housing Agreement due to public health emergency needs, including COVID-19. In the event the Office of Residence
        Life and Housing terminates the Housing Agreement due to public health concerns, impacted students will be able to
        receive a refund based on the dates and refund percentages outlined in Section 10 Refund Timeline for
        On-Campus Housing and Board Plan which provides for a 50% housing refund up to the end of the third week of
        the fall and spring semester (See Section 10 Table for further details).


      1. Liability and Personal Property Insurance: The University is not responsible or liable for the personal property of
        students in residence whether it is lost, stolen or damaged. All students are urged to obtain personal property
        insurance either with their parent’s household insurance policy or by the obtainment of their own student
        insurance policy from another carrier for this specific purpose. As a resident, you agree to cooperate with a
        roommate in the common protection of property. Room doors are to be locked when not occupied.
        You acknowledge and understand that any personal effects, valuables, or other personal property of the student must
        be removed from the residence halls when students vacate their room assignment. Any items left in the residence
        halls after expiration of the student agreement period will be considered abandoned property and may be retained by
        the University or disposed of.


      1. Indemnification: You agree to fully indemnify and hold the University harmless from and against any and all
        losses, damages, claims, suits, legal judgments, costs, expenses and legal fees, including attorneys’ fees, which the
        University may at any time sustain because of (i) your failure to comply with any federal or state laws, rules or
        regulations; (ii) any intentional or negligent conduct by you; and/or (iii) your breach of your obligations under this
        Agreement. Your obligations to indemnify and hold the University harmless shall survive the termination of this


      1. Refund Timeline for On-Campus Housing and Board Plan: The refund policy terms are determined by the
        particular circumstances of each student and the date of the request to withdraw from on-campus Housing. Students
        who are expelled or suspended from Housing for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for an institutional refund.
        Students who request to leave housing for any reason during the first three weeks of the fall or spring semester are
        entitled to a prorated refund for housing. Board Plan (meal plan) will be prorated throughout the term based on
        the days used. Failure to communicate a withdrawal from housing, does not excuse the student of the housing fee
        liability. Prorated charges are based upon the date of actual withdrawal from housing as determined by the
        completion of the change of residency form through the Office of the Registrar and in accordance with the schedule
        below for both the fall and spring semesters.
        1. Refund Policy Schedule: Withdrawal Dates from Housing Request Percentage of Refund
          First Week of Semester 90%
          Second Week of Semester 70%
          Third Week of Semester 50%
          Fourth Week or More 0%

      11. Conflict: In the event of a conflict between this Addendum and the Housing Agreement, Board Plan and the
      Code of Conduct, the language of this Addendum will control.
