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Wiki Markup
"\[T\]he basic participial adjective," or "predicate," modifying "becoming" or "process" is "self-relating, all-integrating" ("Martin Buber's Metaphysics": 60). But, then, the correspondingly basic adverb can only refer to _how_ such self-relating, all-integrating becoming or process takes place, allowing for the necessary distinction between ordinary, nondivine and extraordinary, divine becoming or process.

Nondivine becoming or process takes place "nonideally," ,. "noneminently," "nontranscendently," "nonsupremely, " "fragmentarigyfragmentarily," "surpassably," "inadequately," whereas divine becoming or process takes place "ideally," "eminently," "transcendently," "supremely," "integrally (or nonfragmentarily)," "unsurpassably,,,ttadequately" "adequately."

26 February 2006