Versions Compared


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Assuming that Luther's interpretation of Paul points in the right direction, and that Bultmann's draws the necessary inference therefrom, I see the most direct and important connection between all three of their understandings and my own -- at the very point where its appropriateness to Jesus Christ is widely supposed to be most open to objection!


With Bultmann, however, any such radical difference between the terms of our life or righteousness in this life and in the next is expressly denied -- and that on the warrant of an interpretation of Paul! Thus, in the concluding sentences of Das Urchristentum, Bultmann says: "Paul indeed speaks of the glory about to be revealed to us (Rom 8:18), of the eternal 'weight' of glory being prepared for us (2 Cor 4:17). But he likewise says that faith, hope, and love do not cease but abide even when 'the perfect' comes (1 Cor 13:13), which is to say, he can imagine no consummation in which the unworldly is simply a possession. In other words, the openness of Christian existence never ends" (233).
