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1. One of the things that Hartshorne tends to confuse -- or not sufficiently to clarify and consistently to acknowledge -- is the dual character of what we properly mean by "experience." Among the unfortunate consequences of this are:
(1) taking the problem apparently posed by relativity theory for a neoclassical metaphysics to be more serious than it is;
(2) tending to assume the posture of traditional "rationalism," with its taik talk of "innate ideas," etc., instead of demonstrating that what is indicated is, rather, a nontraditional "empiricism," or, really, "experientialism";
(3) thinking and speaking paradoxically of God as "empirically observable";
(4) obscuring the insight that the place or role of faith is fundamental; and
(5) introducing confusion by using such terms as "short-term memory," which, if apt at all, is a "disguised comparison" (Toulmin).


Moreover, can it not be shown that, to the extent that the idea of a thing's "experiencing," or being "sentient," is sufficiently generalized to be a properly "cosmic," as distinct from a merely "local," variable, its meaning cannot possibly be adequately distinguished without logical fallacy from that of the purely formal, transcendental idea of the thing's being "relative," or "internally (self-) relating"? Ifthis can be shown, the hypothesis that seems to me very much worth exploring is whether science and metaphysics are not alike in both abstracting -- in different ways -- from the qualitatively given in experience: science, by taking the sensuously given as sign of yet other possible sense experiences that will ensue, given certain human actions, and thus as sign of certain purely formal relations between contingently existing realities; and metaphysics, by taking the nonsensuously given as but a value (even if, for human experience, the only clearly given value) of certain purely formal, transcendental variables definitive of reality necessarily or simply as such. In short, cognition in the strict sense of intellection, whether that of science or that of metaphysics, necessarily abstracts from the qualitative in experience, whose role as such is not to be known but to be created and enjoyed, even though knowledge, strictly and properly so-called, may in some ways enhance both its creation and its enjoyment.


3. Hartshorne often says something more or less like this: "Atheism is at best a confusion; theism or positivism is the choice we have to make" ("How Some Speak and Yet Do Not Speak of God": 274). But this way of speaking is, at best, elliptical, because, as Hartshorne himself now and again allows (see, e.g., CSPM: 257), atheism as well as theism can be "a priori," in which case it may indeed be indistinguishable at a certain point from positivism. The significance of the ontological argument is to have clarified the nature of the theistic issue -- as a priori or nothing -- and thus to have shown that atheism and theism alike must either be a priori only or else beside the point.


The pertinent point, to my mind, is that "social" admits of analysis at both a formal and a material level. Formally,"social" entails the notion of relations, both
internal and external in character, in that to be social is, in the most abstract sense, to be related-ideally, to be related internally as well as externally. But materially, "social" entails considerably more than this – for example, if not human, then at least animal characteristics and capacities, so that to be social in the material sense of the word is to be internally related in a human, quasi-human, or, at the least, animal way. This being so, however, the answers to Hartshorne's questions are not nearly so obvious as he implies in asking them as he does. Since his questions are, in effect, ambiguous, so are the answers to them. Yes, the sense of reality is sociaI through and through, in that my sense that something else is real is my sense that, as James puts it, it is something that we in some way find ourselves obliged to take account of -- just as what it means to recognise something else as actual (and thus as mor.e than merely real) is to attribute to itinternal as well as external relations to at least some other real things. But, then, No, the sense of reality is not social through and through if that means that, whenever I sense something to be real, I sense that it must be taken account of – or, if also actual, is itself capable of taking account of others -- in something like the way in which I must take account of myself and others like me.


5. Hartshorne claims that he rejects "the old distinction between general and special metaphysics, unless the last means empirical cosmology" (CSPM: 39). But, surely, a properly theistic -- as distinct from a properly pantheistic -- metaphysics requires distinguishing in some sense between (1) God; (2) world; and (3) self, and hence, to that extent, also requires distinguishing between theology, cosmology, and psychology Ξ anthropology. I suspect the same kind of reasoning Hartshorne himself urges against Tillich's denial that God exists, is a being, and so on, can be urged, mutatis mutandis, against his own rejection of the distinction between general and special metaphysics.
