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There are two goals of theology's explication and, correspondingly, two criteria for measuring its adequacy -- namely, understandability and appropriateness.


Wiki Markup(Serious confusion is introduced in this early statement of my understanding when I say that "the sole \ [_sic_\] norm of every legitimate theological assertion is the revealed word of God," etc., only to go on to speak of the gospel as "the second \ [_sicl_\] norm of theological restatement.")

It's clear from the following summary that essentially the same understanding is also set forth in The Reality of God .


The theological enterprise has an unavoidably communal character, in that the theologian speaks within and on behalf of the catholic Christian church.

Wiki Markup_One criterion of theological adequacy is that the understanding of faith_ \ [sc. _the Christian understanding of human existence_\] _be formulated "understandably," i.e., in a way that will seem both meaningful and true to persons living in the particular time in and for which the theologian has his theological vocation._

The other criterion of theological adequacy is that the meaning of faith shall also be stated "appropriately, i.e., in terms that do not obscure but transparently express its fundamentally existential character as faith.
