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of Contents

      1. I.  General Library Faculty Policies 
        1. 1.      Role and Responsibilities of Library Faculty
        2. 2.      DrewUniversity Library Faculty
        3. 3.      Full-Time Faculty Schedules
        4. 4.      Policy Regarding Adjunct Library Faculty
        5. 5.      Library Committee on Faculty
        6. 6.      Emeritus/Emerita Status
        7. 7.      Policy on Academic Involvements Outside the Drew University Library  
      2. II. Committees: 1.      Committees on Which Librarians Serve 2a. Committee Membership, Current Academic Year (by Faculty) 2b. Committee Membership, Current Academic Year (by Committee) 3.   Search Committee Membership Guidelines 4.  Search Committee Membership History  
      3. III. Evaluation: 1.   History of the Process of Evaluation of Librarians at Drew 2.   Process and Criteria for Evaluation of Library Faculty 3a. Librarian’s Annual Report and Self-Evaluation Form       3b. Librarian's Peer Review and Self-Evaluation Form 4.  Peer Evaluation Schedule  5.  Evaluation of Library Dean  
      4. IV. Sabbaticals: 1.      Sabbaticals for Librarians: Policies and Procedures 2.      Review of Sabbatical Requests by the Library Committee on Faculty                      
      5. Appendices: A. Drew University Charter and Bylaws (1969) B. DrewUniversity Faculty Personnel Policy (2002) C. DrewUniversity Benefits  D.  History of Faculty Status for Librarians 
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