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Drew University Library

Revised Policies and Effective June 1, 2014Procedures for Assigned Carrels

Effective Date: January 1, 2017

Changes effective January 1, 2017 are being adopted on a trial basis for two years. 


The Drew University Library has a limited number of private study carrels and lockers.  The following policies and procedures are designed to administer assigned carrels and lockers as as equitably as possible.



General Information and Eligibility:

  • Carrels are assigned , as available, to eligible Caspersen and Theological Schools School students pursuing PhD, DLitt, and DMH * degrees.  Eligible students will receive priority in the following order:
  • E-Level Closet Carrels:
    • PhD degree candidates who have an approved and signed prospectus and who are working on a dissertation. 
    • DLitt and DMH degree candidates who have an approved and signed prospectus and who are working on a dissertation. 
  • Baldwin Carrels: 
    • PhD degree candidates who have completed course work and language exams.
    • DLitt and DMH degree candidates who have completed course work.

 After October 1st each year, available E-Level closet carrels may be assigned to doctoral students who do not yet have an approved and signed prospectus or who are not working on a dissertation.  Eligible doctoral students will receive priority in the following order:

      • PhD students who have completed course work and language exams, who currently have a Baldwin carrel assignment, and who have regularly met the minimum usage requirements and other policies.
      • PhD students who have completed course work and language exams.
      • DLitt and DMH students who have completed course work, who currently have a Baldwin carrel assignment, and who have regularly met the minimum usage requirements and other policies.
      • DLitt and DMH students who have completed course work.
  • After

 After October


15th each year, available Baldwin carrels may be assigned to other doctoral students.  Eligible students will receive priority in the following order:

      • PhD students
  • whot
      • who have not yet completed course work and language exams
      • DLitt and DMH students who have not yet completed course work
  • .
    After December 15th

 After October 15th each year, PhD, DLitt, and DMH students who cannot individually meet the minimum usage requirements on a regular basis may apply for shared carrel assignments:

      • Both partners must submit their application at the same time; eligibility will be based on the eligibility of the partner with the least eligibility.
      • If one of the two partners needs to relinquish their assignment (due to graduation, a move out of the area, etc.), another partner of equal or higher eligibility must apply for the vacated assignment within one month so that the remaining partner may retain his/her shared carrel assignment.
      • Each shared carrel assignee will submit their own usage online; the total usage by the two assignees will be combined in determining whether or not the monthly and yearly minimum usage requirements are being met.
      • Shared carrel assignees must work out their own arrangements for dates and times of usage and for the use of desk space, drawers, and counters.  Fines for policy violations will be split between the two assignees.

 After December 15th each year, remaining available Baldwin carrels may be assigned to other


Caspersen    and Theological School students pursuing graduate degrees in the following order


of priority:

      • DMin/MA/MMH/MLitt students
  • .
      • All other graduate students
  • The

 The assigned term for carrels is dependent upon academic status:

    • PhD degree candidates may have a carrel for a period of three years or for several periods of time that add up to 36 months. 
    • DLitt and DMH degree candidates may have a carrel for a one-and-one-half-year period or for periods of time that add up to 18 months.
    • Students in other Caspersen or Theological School degree programs may have a carrel for one year or for periods of time that add up to 12 months.
    •  There are no renewals.  The assignments of students in these degree programs will be reviewed each January and July.
    • The assignment periods for PhD, DLitt, and DMH candidates apply to any
    • combined use of Baldwin and E-Level Closet Carrels.
    There are no renewals.
    •   PhD, DLitt, and DMH assignees who consistently meet the minimum usage requirements may be allowed to retain their assignments even when they are at or exceed their 36- or 18-month caps.  Priority for maintaining assignments will be given to PhD, DLitt, and DMH students in dissertation stage. 
    • Students must provide documentation of any change their student status as it occurs, i.e., acceptance of prospectus, completion of exams, etc.  
    • Students completing a
    • master’s level program and entering a doctoral program may
    • re-apply under their new student status.
    • Short-term assignments (for one week to two months) may be made to PhD, DLitt, and DMH degree candidates who live outside the
    • tristate area
    • and who qualify for a Baldwin or Closet carrel
    , and who are only on campus for a short period of time.


  • Drew staff or faculty members (even if they are also students) are not eligible for carrel assignments.  A minimum of four carrels will be available for use by all students as Day Carrels.  Baldwin Carrels will be used for this purpose;  unassigned unassigned E-Level Closet Carrels may also be also be used as Day Carrels.


  • The minimum usage requirement for Baldwin and E-Level Closet Carrels is 75 hours per month in September, October, February, and April. The minimum usage requirement is reduced in other months as follows: November = 62, December = 40,  March and May = 48. Usage requirements are waived for January term, spring break, and the months of June, July, and August.Assignees agree to sign in when using their carrel and sign out when leaving the carrel; the log book is at the Circulation Counter.assigned carrels is 600 hours per year per carrel.  The year begins January 1st and ends December 31st; yearly usage will be pro-rated for assignments made after January 1st.  There is also a minimum usage requirement of 25 hours per month, year-round, January through December. 


  • Assignees agree submit their usage hours online each week by Monday at closing (for the prior week).  If an assignee neglects to submit his/her hours, he/she may email the Carrel Coordinator or leave a note in the log book at the Circulation Counter.


  • Carrel assignments will be withdrawn from any assignee who does not meet the 25-hour minimum monthly usage requirements six requirement three times (, whether in consecutive months or not ) or who does not use their assigned carrel for three months in a row, and whether or not there is a waiting list for carrels.  Carrel assignments will be withdrawn from assignees who do not meet the yearly usage requirement of 600 hours per carrel per year two times.


  • When there is a waiting list for carrels, the assignee(s) with the lowest usage may be asked to vacate their carrels even if they have missed the minimum usage requirements fewer than six times, or not used their carrels at all fewer than three times. Until they have missed the minimum use requirements six times, PhD, DLitt and DMH students will only be asked to vacate their carrels for another eligible PhD, DLitt or DMH student. All other Caspersen and Theological School students .  Assignees who are not PhD, DLitt, or DMH candidates with low usage may be asked to vacate for other eligible candidates in any degree program at any time.


  • Assignments are for individual use or specifically assigned as shared carrels.  Carrels may be used only by the assignee(s).  Carrels are not designed to be offices or conference rooms and are not to be used as such.


  • Please remove Remove recyclables and trash from your carrel space daily and place in designated receptacles. Maintain reasonable cleanliness.


  • $75.00 will be charged if the key to a Closet Carrel is lost ; this charge covers to cover the cost of re-keying the lock. The replacement charge for a lost or damaged Baldwin Carrel drawer key is $25.00 (or $15.00 per person for shared carrel keys).  A $50.00 lamp replacement fee will be assessed if the Library-owned lamp provided in each E-Level Closet carrel is removed by the assignee.  Other fees may be assessed if a carrel is damaged by an assignee beyond normal wear and tear; such fees will be determined by the Facilities Department.


  • A carrel not vacated within 2 weeks of written notification will be cleared of all materials. Items ; items not picked up after 30 days will be donated to charity.  A $25.00 fee will be assessed to any assignee who does not completely clear a carrel when his/her assignment ends (whether the assignee voluntarily leaves or whether the assignment is withdrawn). 


Furniture and Equipment in Carrels:

  • Standard equipment is a chair, a built-in work surface, and a file cabinet. 


  • Noisy, hazardous , or otherwise inappropriate equipment is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, electric heaters and fans, coffee and tea pots, hot plates, copiers, printers, microwaves, microwave and toaster ovens, popcorn poppers, refrigerators, toasters, blenders, and typewriters. No extension    Extension cords may not be used . Surge but surge protectors may be used.



  • To comply with New Jersey State Fire Code; N.J.S.A. 52:27D, all door windows must remain totally uncovered at all times.  No signs or other materials may be placed on the outside doors of carrels , or on the outer walls of Baldwin Carrels.


  • Keys may not be copied or lent to other persons.



  • Lockers are assigned, as available, to PhD, DLitt/DMH, DMin, MA, MMH, and MLitt students who are not eligible for a carrel assignment or who are waiting for a carrel assignment; eligible students in these degree programs receive priority in locker assignments in the order listed. All other Caspersen and Theological School students, commuting students in any school, faculty on sabbatical, and CLA-BA Honors students are eligible on October 15th each year.





Use of Library Resources:

  • Circulating Library materials must be checked out at the Circulation Desk before being placed in carrels or lockers. 


  • Periodicals, reference materials, and other non-circulating materials may not be kept in carrels or lockers.


  • Any items not checked out and any periodical, reference, or non-circulating item items found in a carrel or locker will be removed and re-shelved.  Notification of the infraction will be given to the assignee.  A fine of $2.00 per item will be placed on the assignee’s Library account. 



  • Applications are required; forms may be obtained from Circulation Supervisors.  Eligibility will be confirmed by Library staff before assignments are made.


  • Eating, smoking, telephoning, and conversing are prohibited.


  • Food and food storage containers may not be kept in lockers or carrels.


  • Cell phones must be set to ‘vibrate;’ laptops should be muted.


  • Library personnel will not take telephone messages for assignees or refer visitors to carrels.


  • Carrels Lockers and carrels are only to be used to house research materials, not to store personal belongings.


  • Library personnel may enter without notice to retrieve recalls, to check on maintenance and cleaning, or to verify that the assignee is in compliance with carrel policies and procedures.  Facilities personnel may also enter without prior notice in the performance of their duties.



  • The Library is not responsible for property for property or for damage to anything placed in carrels or lockers. Personal possessions Possessions are the sole responsibility of the owner.


  • Security problems and concerns are to be reported promptly to Library staff.

Assignment Revocation:

The Library reserves the right to revoke an assignment if


a carrel


is determined to have been underused or improperly used.  Failure to comply with or violation of these policies and procedures will result in the loss of the carrel




  • A carrel or locker no longer needed for Library-based research is to be relinquished even if the assigned term has not expired.


  • Any assignee who loses (or has lost) a carrel and/or locker assignment due to low usage three times (or more) may not re-apply for either a carrel or locker.


  • If there are three separate incidences of unchecked-out item(s) or non-circulating material(s) such as reference books or periodicals found in an assignee’s carrel or locker, the assignee will be evicted immediately. Assignee   The assignee will not be able to re-apply for a carrel or locker. Any student who has had three previous violations of this portion of the policies and procedures will not have a carrel or locker assigned if they re-apply.


Appeals Process:


Students may appeal any decision affecting their carrel or locker assignment.  Appeals are first directed to the Carrel Coordinator, then to the Head of Circulation, then to the Associate Dean of Libraries.  The Associate Dean of Libraries will consult the Dean of the student’s school , as needed.

Appeals  Appeals from Drew staff or faculty regarding their ineligibility for carrel and locker assignments should be made to the Associate Dean of Libraries.   


Questions about carrel policies and procedures should be directed to the Carrel Coordinator.
