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Access this page:

  • Type in a query or search statement. Use the separate search boxes to enter different concepts. 
  • Some people prefer the Visual Search option.
  • For searches Click on Add a Row to accommodate a search with more than three concepts, click on the + icon to  add a row.

Boolean Search tips

  • to search as a phrase, use "". For example "online social networks"
  • to connect synonyms, use OR. For example: facebook OR "social media"
  • use AND to connect concepts. For example: facebook AND "social engagement"
  • truncate endings of words with an *. For example: engag* finds engage; engages; engagement; engaging
  • If you only have a single search box and want to do a complicated search string, use (). "social engag*" AND (facebook OR "social media"). This is called nesting by librarians.

Image Added

Before searching, choose limits from the default search page by scrolling down. Useful options include: Publication Type; Age Group, Language and Methodology. Image Modified

Or, opt for limits anytime during your search by clicking on "Show More>>"  Refine your results box on the left hand side of the search page.



Psychology uses very specific language and the Thesaurus provides an easy access to this APA (American Psychological Association) terminology.


  • Click multiple terms to add them to your search.
  • Drop down the Browse an Index menu. Some useful options are Tests & Measures, Methodology, Age Group: Image Removed
  • Browse an Index for a complete list of options, or type in a keyword into the search box and click Browse. Check as many boxes as you like and click the Add botton for results. Image Removed
  • Clicking Add _enters those terms into the search box at the top of the page. Click _Search. Image Removed
  • Additional terms can also be added to your search.
    Image RemovedClick on More to see additional options.

Search Results

  • Sort results by Date, Author, Source or Relevance:
  • Click on the quick view icon to see a short summary of each article.
  • If there is no available for an article, click on the Search for Article icon   to find full text from another source. If Drew doesn't provide access to the full text of an article, request that article via InterLibraryLoan. View a short video on how to request an article via ILL from a database:
  • Add items you want to keep in a folder .
