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The Christian confession implies the assertion classically formulated as "Jesus is the Christ." Accordingly, Christian faith is the faith for which Jesus is (implicitly or explicitly) the object of faith, as distinct from being a, or even the, subject thereof. Otherwise put: Christian faith is the faith for which Jesus is not merely one religious authority among others, not even the primary religious authority, but is rather the primal source of authority. More exactly, he is the explicit, primal, ontic source of authority, the primary such authority being the apostolic witness of faith originating in the apostles' experience of Jesus as (implicitly or explicitly) the Christ, which experience is itself the explicit, primal, noetic source of religious authority.

Another term for "explicit, primal, ontic source of authority" is "decisive re-presentation." Because or insofar as Jesus is the explicit, primal, ontic source of authority, he is a re-_presentation._ Because or insofar as Jesus is the explicit, _primal, ontic source of authority (as distinct from any mere authority, even the primary such), he is decisive.
