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I am struck by Sanders' observation that the authors of the gospels "intended people to turn to \[Jesus\], to admire him, and to believe that he was sent from God and that following him would lead to eternal life" (_The Historical Figure of Jesus_: 7 f.). Is it far-fetched to see in this threefold distinction between (1) turning to Jesus; (2) admiring him; and (3) believing/following him something like the orthodox analysis of the _fides qua creditur_ as involving the three distinguishable moments of (1) _notitia_; (2)
_assensus_; and (3) _fiducia_?

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I am struck by Sanders' observation that the authors of the gospels "intended people to turn to [Jesus], to admire him, and to believe that he was sent from God and that following him would lead to eternal life" (The Historical Figure of Jesus: 7 f.). Is it far-fetched to see in this threefold distinction between (1) turning to Jesus; (2) admiring him; and (3) believing/following him something like the orthodox analysis of the fides qua creditur as involving the three distinguishable moments of (1) notitia; (2) assensus; and (3) fiducia?

True, Sanders speaks True, Sanders apeaks of "believing that," while "fiducia,"on the orthodox understanding, being rather personal trust/loyalty, is a matter of "believing in." But, surely, it is also possible, if not in fact likely, that Sanders simply fails to express himself as carefully as he could and should have.
