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Agile Adoption Patterns: A Roadmap to Organizational Success
by Amr Elssamadisy

Links: Safari Books Online, Amazon

Learning is the bottleneck

Learning the bottleneck of software engineering. Agile teams succeed by accelerating the learning process by using Cycle processes.


Communication methods: Self-organizing team, co-located team, cross-functional team, pair programming, information radiators (i.e. charts and wall posters), evocative documents, stand-up meetings.

Business Value

Key Business Values

  • Reduce time to market - release early, release often. Provide customers with something that can provide a return on investment right away.
  • Increase product utility
  • Increase Quality
  • Increase flexibility/agility
  • Transparency/visibility
  • Reduced cost - reduced waste.

Smells (when things go wrong)

Business smells (visible to the customer)

  • unacceptable quality
  • new features take too long
  • features remain unused by the customer
  • software is not useful
  • software is too expensive to develop
  • conflict – customers, testers, developers
  • customer asks for too much up front.

Process smells (only visible to the development team)

  • direct customer input is unrealistic and unattainable.
  • management surprised - lack of visibility
  • multitasking - developer's assigned to multiple projects
  • missed deadlines multiple times
  • hundreds of bugs in the issue tracker - low priority bugs are never addressed
  • prolonged hardening phase at the end of the project - iterations have not succeeded in delivering tested, working, software at each stage.
  • infrequent integration - takes too long, is too painful. integration waits until the end.

Feedback Practices

  • Iteration (sprint) - a constant time box, with specific acceptance criteria (done state). Typically 1-6 weeks in length. Should begin with a kickoff meeting and end with customer review, testing, and integration into the current version of the system (demo and retrospective). Closed to functionality - no change of scope or requirements during the iteration cycle. Iterations vs. incremental development - in the latter, there is no time box. Misses the opportunity to create a team rhythm and make planning easier based on fixed chunks of time.
  • Kickoff meeting - at the beginning of each iterations; all team members, including customers; develop the backlog for the iteration. Customers should be prepared in advance with requirements.
  • Backlog - a prioritized list of requirements. Allows for negotiation of scope within available time to deliver the most valuable features. Graphical representations: burn-up chart and burn-down chart. Use vertical slices of functionality to create backlog items.
  • Planning Poker - estimation technique for an iteration. Teams (usually not to exceed 10 people), including all developers, analysts, database people, etc. estimate each requirement in the 3-5 minute "round". Each estimator is given a deck of cards with a range of estimates for amount of work required. Moderator reads a scenario, and estimators privately select a card. High and low estimators explain why and discussion and rounds continue until estimates converge. Usually should take no more than three rounds.
  • Stand-up meeting - a daily meeting that lasts no more than 15 minutes containing all team members; the self-organizing team exchanges progress information about the current iteration.
  • Done state - goal for the iteration. Should follow S.M.A.R.T principles (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely)
  • Demo - for the customer and all stakeholders at the end of each iteration and release.
  • Retrospective - Review meeting after each iteration and release. Focuses on people and techniques, whereas the demo focuses on the product.
  • Release often - release as frequently to customers as practical without inconveniencing them.
  • Co-located team
  • Self-organizing team
  • Cross-functional team - Members have the expertise to take a requirement to finished product through the entire process. Requires collective code ownership and pair programming to increase knowledge transfer and reduce expert bottlenecks.
  • Customer part of the team - "Customer proxy" member of team if not practical.
  • Evocative documents - external memory of conversations, people, time, places. Requires context and reconstruction for those not part of the conversation, but easier to develop and more useful than traditional documents.
  • User story - an evocative document for requirements, a "promise for conversation" of more detailed requirements.
  • Use case - high-level business work flows that can be directly translated to requirements.
  • Information radiator - whiteboards, flip charts, and other large objects that "radiate" information every time someone sees it.

Technical practices

  • Automated Developer tests
  • Test-last development
  • Test-first development
  • Refactoring
  • Continuous integration
  • Simple design
  • Functional tests
  • Collective code ownership
  • Pair programming