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Initial appointment is made by the Dean upon the recommendation of the search committee.  The candidate receives a letter outlining salary and conditions of employment.  A signed acceptance constitutes the contract.

    1. Reappointment for librarians occurs annually by way of a salary and reappointment letter from the President.  In accordance with the Faculty Personnel Policy the credentials and accomplishments of each faculty member are to be evaluated by the Dean in conjunction with the Committee on Faculty.  In the Library this is done formally every four years through the peer review process.
    2. If the Dean and the Library Committee on Faculty (LCOF) recommend termination at the conclusion of a peer review, or if a possible reason to consider termination of a librarian arises during the period between peer reviews, termination procedures outlined in the Faculty Personnel Policy, Section VI.D.2, will be followed.
    3. Promotion criteria are outlined in the Faculty Personnel Policy, Section IV.A.2.  All criteria for promotion are minimum qualifications which do not guarantee promotion to another rank.  If a librarian wishes to be considered for promotion effective July 1 of any year, the Library Committee on Faculty is notified before the prior November 1 by the librarian, supervisor, or department head.  The LCOF, in consultation with the Dean, determines eligibility.  If the librarian is eligible, the LCOF will conduct a peer review and make a recommendation to the Dean.

Creation of Library Faculty Positions

The creation of new Library faculty positions and the redefinition of existing positions as faculty positions requires the approval of the Library faculty (by majority vote) in collaboration with the Dean of the Libraries. Such votes will take place at regular Library faculty meetings, unless extraordinary circumstances require the convening of a special meeting for this purpose. 

Attainment of the MLS or other advanced degree, while certainly encouraged, does not guarantee, and should not be construed to guarantee, promotion to a faculty position.


The Library Faculty meets monthly during the academic year. Additional meetings may be called as necessary during the summer or between regularly scheduled meetings. Librarians are expected to attend meetings. 


Approved:  10/10/2003

Amended: 2/13/2009   

Amended 10/9/2009