Several of the many resources for locating book reviews in the Drew University Library are shown below. In almost all cases, after you have chosen a source appropriate to the type of book you are researching, your search should begin in a volume or database containing the year of publication of the book. From there proceed into the next two or so years to locate later reviews.
WWW Library Subscription | Academic Search Premier and Proquest Research Library Index a wide variety of journals, magazines and newspapers; some full text included. Try putting your book title in quotes. You can also add AND reviews to your search. Tabs let you limit your results to Academic or Scholarly journals. |
WWW Library Subscription | Lexis-Nexis Academic Full text of major and regional newspapers, news transcripts, arts news, etc. Search by title and author, and add 'review' to the search to limit it. |
Online Library Subscription | Literature Resource Center Excerpts reviews and critical writings on literary works. |
Online Library Subscription | Reader's Guide Retrospective , 1890-1983 Indexes book reviews of serious fiction and scholarly works in popular magazines. Some records link to full text. Retrospective covers 1890-1983. |
Reference Z1219 .C95 | Book Review Digest Indexes and excerpts reviews from 1910-1994. Especially useful for older material. |
Reference Z1035 .A1 B6 | Book Review Index Coverage from 1965-present. |
Online Library Subscription
| Literature Criticism Online: - Contemporary Literary Criticism
- Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism
- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
Excerpts reviews and critical writings about items of literature from the time of publication, or from the 19th or 20th century.
Online Library Subscription | ATLA Religion Database plus ATLA Serials Indexes from 1949-current. Includes ATLA's Index to Book Reviews in Religion, and reviews from The Methodist Reviews Index, 1818-1985 |
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Library Subscription databases are available to Drew users from the Research Resources page . Guests may access the databases from the public computers in the Library. If you cannot locate the review you need, consult the reference counter. For more extensive literary criticism, again ask at reference or see our help sheet on literary criticism sources.