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Quick Reference Card
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Biological Abstracts is one of the databases in Web of Knowledge. It indexes 4000+ journals in the biological sciences from 1969 to the present.
Narrow your search
1. Combine search terms with AND: deermouse AND anatomy.
3. Use the dropdowns near the search boxes to try your search terms in a Title search. Items with the most mentions of your search terms will migrate to the top of the results list.
Limit your search
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find:
Use the links on the Advanced Search page for links to complete lists of Taxonomic Data, Major Concepts, and Concept Codes.
Display Results
Consider using the "Sort By" dropdown at the top right of the results page to change to a Relevance search.
Email, save, print results from your folder
Use the boxes to the left of the citations to check off items you are interested in printing, emailing, or saving. At the top and bottom of each page of results, you can opt to print, email or save your results including saving to citation managers like EndNote Web.Instructions for End Note Web.
Get the articles
In the results list, click on Article Linker guide provides additional instructions for finding full text, either online or in print/microfilm format within the library.
to find the full text in another database.TheContact a librarian for more help
Margery Ashmun,, 973-408-3483