Resources for M.A.T. students specializing in English
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Education-specific Resources
Education Resource Complete
This database of education journals includes full text of over a thousand journals and some books. Some journals are indexed but not included full text: click on the "Search for Article" button to look for the full text elsewhere. Use "Subject Terms" to narrow your search.
This database allows you to search for both journal articles and "ERIC documents"-- non-journal articles and papers submitted to the ERIC database. Many ERIC documents are full text inside the database, but for journal articles, click on the "Search for Article" button to look for the full text elsewhere. Use the Advanced Search to limit to particular grade levels, audiences or types of article.
More online resources for Education
Literature-specific Resources
MLA Bibliography
The MLA-- Modern Language Association- Bibliography is the grande dame of literary and language research tools. This database is useful for finding literature criticism and some material on the teaching of English. Unfortunately, the MLA Bibliography doesn't include abstracts (short descriptions) of the content of the articles and books it points to, nor does it include full text, though full text available through other 'Ebsco' databases may pop up. Watch out for Ph.D. dissertations.
Literature Resource Center
This first-stop resource for literature includes Author biographies, work overviews, literary criticism and bibliographies. Best searched by author name or work title. Use the tabs at the top of your search results to see different types of articles. However, stay away from the "Multimedia" category-- it can turn up really random results.
Literature Criticism Online
Online version of Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC), Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism (NCLC), Drama Criticism and Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism sets. Collects critical writing about literary works/authors.
More online resources for English
Finding Books
Drew Library catalog
Drew's book resources on social studies topics are many and varied. The online catalog allows you to search for books by keyword, or scan by exact subject heading. Our resources tend more toward literature than education, though, so try Worldcat for more information.
Looking for a specific book or wider coverage than Drew has? Use Worldcat to search across the catalogs of many libraries, then use "Borrow this Item from another Library" to request the book through our Interlibrary Loan service.
Reference Universe
To find out which online and in print reference books that Drew has cover a specific topic, search here.
Journal resources
English Journal
From the National Council of Teachers of English: directed at High School Teachers. For Middle School/Junior High teachers, try Voices from the Middle.
College English
Also from the National Council of Teachers of English.
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