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When you close the window of an Application on a Mac, it does not quit the application.


How to Quit an Open Application/Program


  1. Click the name of the open Application on the toolbar at the top of the screen, and
  2. Select Quit "NameofOpenApplication/Program" 

To close an Application, it needs to be the active Application, meaning you can see the name of the application on the toolbar at the top.

(screenshot filename: quit an application.jpg)

Basic Functions on a Mac


While selecting any item, (what do you mean by "selecting any item"?  Does this mean you click on the icon once, or does it mean something else?  I assume this only works with files, not with the applicaitons themselves, right?  If so, make that explicit)  tap the Space bar to preview the file without having to open it. 

Opening, Closing, and Maximizing Windows

Instead of controlling the window from the top right hand corner of the screen, Macs controls are on the top left hand corner of the screen. The red circle closes the window, the yellow minus minimizes the window, and the green plus changes the window to its optimal size. (make sure to mention that there is really no equivalent to the minimize/maximize function as with Windows Explorer)

Computer Status Information

Basic information about the general status of you computer can be found at the top right hand of your computer.  Information that can be found here includes:

  • time
  • day of the week
  • wireless status
  • sound volume
  • internet connection
  • battery level
  • Spotlight functiton (more on this below)


At the very right hand side of the toolbar at the top of the screen, there is a magnifying glass icon for the Spotlight feature. The Spotlight feature is a program that searches your entire computer based on file names. If you wanted to search for a particular file, folder, application, or anything else on your computer, this is the place to do it. (screenshot filename: spotlight.jpg)

The Dock

The Dock at the bottom of the screen is an advanced version of the Taskbar on the bottom of the Windows interface. Apple provides a certain number set of default applications they suggest as most useful already installed on the bottomDock.

Finding Applications and Documents from the Dock

There are two folders to the left of the Trash on the Dock: Applications and Documents. The Applications folder, contains all of the Applications/Programs on your computer. (snapshot filename: application folder on dock.jpg) The Documents folder is the place where you can store documents like paper papers and image files.

Removing Seldom-Used Applications/Programs from the Dock

If you wish to remove an Application from the dock, follow these steps:

  1. Hold down the Control button and click on the icon of the Application/Program icon that you want to remove (the equivalent of right clicking on a mouse),.
  2. Choose Options Remove from Dock. (snapshot filename: removing an app from dock.jpg)


To add Applications and Programs to the Dock:

  1. Hold down the Control button and click on the Application icon,
  2. Choose Options Keep in Dock

Accessing Minimized Windows from the Dock

The right side of the dock also holds all your minimized windows. To open the window again, just click on its icon on the Dock.

The Trash

The Trash is the metal trash can icon, which is the last icon on the right hand side of the Dock.

Deleting Items from Your Computer


Click and drag the item to the Trash


  1. Hold down the Control button and click the item.
  2. Select Move to Trash. (screenshot filename: deleting an item.jpg)


To empty the trash:

  1. Click the Finder menu button on the toolbar at the top of the desktop
  2. Select Empty Trash. (screenshot filename: empty trash.jpg)

Installing New Software on the Mac

Marissa, this process is really confusing for Windows users.  The whole "drag the icon to teh Applications folder" and then having to eject the installer from the desktop is weird.  Run through this process once with screen shots 

Exploring files on your Mac instead of on Windows

On a PC, you use Windows Explorer to browse through files and folders on your computer. On a Mac, you use an Application called the Finder. It is a blue face icon that is always the first icon on the left hand side of the Dock. Open the Finder to view all files on your computer by clicking once on its icon in the Dock. (screenshot filename: finder.jpg) 

Navigating through the Finder

On the left side of the Finder window is the sidebar, which allows you to move throughout your computer files with ease.

Clicking the Macintosh HD under the DEVICES section is the equivalent of opening My Computer on a PC.


Clicking on Macintosh HD will show any additional devices attached to the computer.


The SHARED section displays any shared or networked items.

The PLACES section shows common places on the computer, such as the Desktop and Documents folders.

The SEARCH FOR section provides an easy way to search for files based on when they were opened or the type of file they are


Basic Functions on a Mac



Keyboard and Trackpad Shortcuts
