Versions Compared


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  • Most UN Resolutions are adopted without a recorded vote. Only those votes that are recorded indicate how a country voted. The Resolutions and Decisions Adopted by the General Assembly during a stated session is a compilation of votes taken during a specific GA session. The document lists how countries voted when a roll call vote was actually taken for a specific resolution. This document can be found on ODS Advanced. In the search box labeled Words of the title, type in the following phrase: "resolutions and decisions adopted by the general assembly during its" and search. Notice that the number 49 will appear in most of the UN document symbols in the resulting list of documents. Use the binocular icon to search for your country (make sure you use the proper name: example - Russian Federation, not Russia).
  • The Voting Records option in UNBISnet - this option provides “the full text of voting records for all resolutions which were adopted - either without a vote or by roll-call or recorded vote - by the General Assembly beginning with its 38th session (1983-) and the Security Council beginning with its 1st year (1946-).” Most records provide only a summary of the vote (i.e.the number of yeas and nays).
  • Public Law 79-264 requires that the U.S. State Department report to Congress U.S. participation in the United Nations; the report includes a voting record for the U.S. The reports and voting record are available online from 2000 through 2006 2010 from the State Department. A comparison of how the U.S. voted on key issues to votes by other countries is also available in these. U.S. participation in the United Nations is also available from the State Department.
  • Reports of more recent votes in the United Nations can be found at the UN's Press Releases advanced site. Search globally for recent votes, or by organization (e.g. General Assembly, etc) in the "Select" drop down box at the bottom of the Press Release page. In the "Keyword(s) in headline" box type in vote. You can change dates "Date" box. Click "Find" to search.


Security issues  


  • Index to UN Systems Programs - Thematic issues considered by UN agencies and related bodies devoted to social or economic development, with hyperlinks to relevant websites. Also try Global Issues on the UN Agenda
  • UN News Centre 
  • Official WEB Site Locator for the United Nations - Alphabetical list. The index to the U.N. Website provides an alphabetic site index to UN websites.  
  • A nice browseable list of many UN and UN related websites is available from the State Department. 
  • UN Conferences - link to past conferences (1994 - 2008)  
  • UN Treaty Collections 
  • United Nations Acronyms and Short Forms explained. 
  • The Yearbook of the United Nations (JZ4947 .Y43 yr) provides coverage of UN issues by year. The Drew Library archives the Yearbook back to 1945 in the United Nations section located in the Rose buildingthe Reference Section on the main floor of the library. The most current print edition of the Yearbook is shelved by the Reference Desk. 
  • United Nations Multimedia - News articles, radio, television and more.
  • Encyclopedia of the United Nations  -  Ref KZ4968 .M66
  • Encyclopedia of International Relations and Global Politics - Ref JZ 1160. E53 2005
  • Great Debates at the United Nations: An Encyclopedia of Fifty Key Issues, 1945-2000. - Ref KZ4968 .G67 2001
  • United Nations Today (yr) - Ref JZ 4970.U658 
  • United Nations Handbook (yr) - Ref JX 1977.2.N5U55 
  • Encyclopedia of Human Rights - Ref JC 571.E673 2009 
  • Annual Review of United Nations Affairs - 341.23 A615a dates from 1959. These multi volume annual sets include an overview of UN activities for the year, GA resolutions and issues related to the Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, peacekeeping issues and the annual report from the Secretariat annual reports. (On E-level).

For specific issues: 

  • Since specific UN bodies/committees/conferences focus on particular topics, it is important to identify those entities which are most relevant to you topic. The Organization of the UN gives an overview of the organization of the United Nations and provides access to numerous bodies and organizations.
  • The following subscription databases are relevant for United Nations research: Columbia International Affairs Online (CAIO); LexisNexis;World News; Worldwide Political Science, ScienceDirect, Academic Search Premier, Sociological Abstracts, EconLit (databases available to Drew community from the Electronic Resources by Title page).
  • See also International Law.


  • Academic Search Premier - opt for scholarly journals.
  • Proquest Direct - opt for scholarly journals.
  • Columbia International Affairs Online - think tank and other public policy organization papers and articles.
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts - premier database for political science research.
  • ScienceDirect
  • EconLit
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Ethnic News Watch - great for non U.S. viewpoints on issues.
  • For specific subject resources see: Electronic Resources by Subject.


  • Books on the United Nations are shelved on E-level under the classification number 341.23
  • In addition to doing a Keyword search in the Drew catalog, try the Exact search page.

Use the "search for" drop down box and select Subjects.

Search for country names (e.g. iran) or topics (e.g. economic development, peacekeeping, etc)
Click directly to a list of books, or browse a sub-list of topics.

  • World Cat (access from Electronic Resources by Title). This database searches catalogs of over 20,000 libraries worldwide. Searching is clunky, but this database provides great access to monographic (book) scholarship. Books not available at Drew can be requested through InterLibraryLoan directly from book records found in WorldCat. Image Modified

Contact me

Beth Patterson ext. 3480. Reference Department, Drew Library.