Versions Compared


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  • Wiki Markup
    Bradley, James E. and Richard A Muller.  _Church History: An Introduction to Research{_}_, Reference Works, and Methods. _ Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1995 \[Ref. 270.072 B811c\]
  • Wiki Markup
    Danto, Elizabeth Ann.  _Historical Research. _ Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. \[Ref. HM 571 .D36\]

Primary vs Secondary sources (from Bradley and Muller, above)

  • Primary source: "A document, datum, or artifact that belongs to the era under examination and that offers the most direct access to the person or issues being studied."                                                                                  --James Bradley and Richard Muller, Church History: An Introduction to Research ..., p_," p. 39._
  • Secondary sources: "Offer information about an event but stand removed from it either in time or by a process of transmission of information," --_Ibid., p. 41. _                    

Critical editions

  • In the works of antiquity and Middle Ages
    • Corpus Christianorum: Series Latina/Graeca
    • Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
    • Wiki Markup
      _Patrologia Latina, Graeca_ \[281.1 M635 and [online|,_Migne,_Patrologia_Latina_01._Rerum_Conspectus_Pro_Tomis_Ordinatus,_MLT.html]\]
    • Thesaurus Linguae Gracae
    • Wiki Markup
      Consult the "Clavis" volumes in the Corpus Christianorum series for guidance to critical editions of biblical and medieval apocyrypha & pseudepigrapha, and the Greek and Latin fathers \[Search the [catalog|] with the key words Corpus and Clavis to turn these up\]
  • In American religious history, e.g....
    • Wiki Markup
      _The Works of Jonathan Edwards _(Yale) \[BX7117 .E3; see esp. v. 1, "[Note on the text|]," p. 118\]
    • The Whitehead Research Project
    • Wiki Markup
      _The Works of George Santayana _(MIT) \[see especially catalog record, _The Last Puritan_\]        
