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In general, you do not want to add large map files - for example, the map of an entire country - to the GPS unit.  Ask for help from Spatial Data Center faculty and staff for assistance in preparing map files for upload to your GPS unit.

Add a Satellite Image or Shapefile as a Base Layer for GPS Data Collection

The GPS unit creates latitude and longitude points in a blank layer file.  Adding a satellite image, shape file, or contour image can provide visual context for longitude/latitude readings you take with the GPS unit, so that you can relate your own position in the landscape to the latitude/longitude points you record. 

ArcPad automatically opens to the Open Map window.  To add a new satellite image or map layer, close the Open Map window by clicking on the red X at the bottom of the screen.  This will take you to the main ArcPad screen.

  1. Tap on the Add Layer pull down menu - it lookes like a yellow piece of paper with a green plus sign at the bottom.
  2. Tap Add Layer
  3. In the list of file locations, choose the location in which your satellite image or map layer is stored.  When you tap on a storage location, all the files stored in that location will appear in a list with red check marks next to them. 
  4. Uncheck all but the files you want to add to your ArcPad map.
  5. Tap OK in the bottom, left hand side of the screen.
  6. If you have not set a Projection for the map layer or satellite photo, ArcPad will ask you if you want to assume the Projection is GCS_WGS_1984.  Tap Yes.  Depending upon the size of the map file, it may take a while to load.

Collect New Data in ArcPad 8

Use these directions if you want to collect GPS data in a new map file.

Create a New Map in ArcPad 8

  1. ArcPad stores your GPS data in layers that you add to a map.  The type of layer that you create for your GPS data points is called a Shapefile.  If you are going to capture new GPS data, you must do so by first creating a new Shapefile in ArcPad
  2. With ArcPad open, click on the GPS device icon just below the Windows icon.
  3. Tap New -> Shapefile
  4. To collect GPS latitude/longitude data, the Type should be set to Point.
  5. Code Page should be set to Unicode UTF-8
  6. Add Attribute Fields.  Each shape file has underlying data associated with it.  These data are called Attributes.  If, for instance, you are collecting GPS data to go with artifacts you are collecting, you might want to add data fields to include information such as who collected the artifact/GPS coordinate, the date of collection, the type of artifact, the site name, etc..  You can add new fields by hand that will become Attribute fields in your Shapefile. OR if you have a data file from another project that has the fields you want to use, you can import it.  To import a file, you must save it as a .dbf file and upload it to the GPS unit using ActiveSync.  When you are done adding or importing fields, click OK.
  7. Name your document, choose a folder for it, and choose whether or not you want to save it to the Main Memory or the SD (SDHC) Card.  Saving to the SD card allows you to bypass the use of ActiveSync and plug the SD card into a card reader that can be used by your computer to directly download the file from the GPS unit.
  8. Save your new Map file by clicking on the Open Map icon (it looks like a yellow file folder with an arrow above it), and tap Save Map As

Collect Longitude/Latitude Data in a Shapefile

To Continue Working with a Map Document in ArcPad 8

In the Open Map window of ArcPad, click on the open folder icon at the bottom of the screen.

The Folder option should be set to All Folders

Set the Type option to All Files (.).  All of the files loaded onto the GPS unit, including those stored on the SDHC card should appear.

Choose the file you want to use as your basemap.

If you have not set a projection for the basemap or satellite photo, ArcPad will ask you if you want to assume the projection is GCS_WGS_1984.  Click yes.  Depending upon the size of the map file, it may take a while to load.

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