The University Faculty Personnel Policy (FPP) of 2002 contains the basic policy regarding sabbaticals. Specific applications for librarians follow.

The Faculty Personnel Policy specifies: “Sabbatical leave shall be for one year at half salary or for one semester at full salary (VIII, A, 2).” For Library Faculty the equivalent periods are 5 ½ months at full salary or 11 months at half salary. Normally sabbatical leaves correspond to the semester schedule. Personal needs, sabbatical objective, and/or library needs may require an alternative model for a given request.

Vacation accrues in its regular manner. Vacation may or may not be part of the sabbatical leave, but the initial request should indicate the preference.

The Library cannot sustain more than two sabbatical leaves in one year or more than 1.5 librarians on leave during any one semester. If more requests come to the Library Committee on Faculty, the committee will follow the guidelines in Review of Sabbatical Requests by the Library Committee on Faculty.

Requests should come to the Library Committee on Faculty by October 1 of the year prior to the year requested. Normally this will be an application in the sixth year of service or the sixth year since the last sabbatical, for a leave in the seventh year.

All librarians interested in applying for a sabbatical should present a brief (two pages) proposal to the LCOF. The proposal should be in two parts. The first part, suitable for passing on to the Board of Trustees with the letter of recommendation, should contain a description of the proposed project, which includes:

  • Statement of the project
  • Purpose or goals
  • Methodology (where, when, what, how, etc.)
  • Probable impact on librarian’s professional development, benefits to Drew Library or Drew University
  • Strategy for evaluation of the project
  • Funding possibilities

The purpose of the second part is to inform the LCOF and the Library Dean of the impact the sabbatical will have on the Library. It should include:

  • Timing and duration of the requested leave
  • Plans for covering major aspects of the job responsibilities indicating that Library personnel who are involved have agreed.

While there is no desire to define what type of “intensive study and research” (UFPP, VIII,A,1) is appropriate for a given sabbatical, all projects and proposals must offer a well-reasoned argument within the range of Library and/or University goals and objectives.

When the LCOF approves the proposal it is sent, together with a letter of recommendation, to the Library Dean. The Library Dean forwards the first part of the proposal, the LCOF letter and his/her own letter of recommendation to the Dean [now Provost]. The Dean [now Provost] makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees and, after its approval, the faculty member will receive an approval letter.

After returning from sabbatical, the faculty member is expected to make a presentation to the Library Faculty within six months.

Librarians on sabbatical should provide the Library office with their preferred mailing address so that correspondence can be forwarded on a regular basis.

Librarians on sabbatical have the right to participate in Library and University governance but there is no expectation that persons on sabbatical must attend meetings. Librarians on sabbatical will be relieved of committee responsibilities at their request, but will be considered for committee appointments which would begin after their return.

Normally the Library cannot provide funding or support services for travel, research or clerical assistance.

All changes in approved sabbatical scheduling must be reviewed and approved by the LCOF and the Library Dean.

Approved: 10/10/2003
Amended: 2/13/2009

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