This policy is no longer accurate. Please refer to for the current policy.

Fees for wireless guest access are assessed to offset maintenance and support costs. Anyone with a valid uLogin account is never charged for wireless access. Fees are paid only by sponsoring offices, and not by individuals directly (although those offices, such as HCH, may pass along the fees with their usage fees.) This model is most appropriate for things such as conferences that charge a registration fee, or people using Drew facilities for payment.

Fee structure is based on MRC classifications

Prices are per week, with 3 or fewer days 50% off:

# of simultaneous people
















each additional 50 connections




Maximum total fee




To coordinate fees, please contact Verna Nienhouse in University Technology. Please give us at least one business day to set up the code. There will be a $50 rush fee on requests made less than one business day in advance.