Drew University Library

Policies and Procedures for Assigned Carrels

Effective Date: January 1, 2017

Changes effective January 1, 2017 are being adopted on a trial basis for two years. 


The Drew University Library has a limited number of private study carrels.  The following policies and procedures are designed to administer assigned carrels as equitably as possible.



General Information and Eligibility:

 After October 1st each year, available E-Level closet carrels may be assigned to doctoral students who do not yet have an approved and signed prospectus or who are not working on a dissertation.  Eligible doctoral students will receive priority in the following order:

 After October 15th each year, available Baldwin carrels may be assigned to other doctoral students.  Eligible students will receive priority in the following order:

 After October 15th each year, PhD, DLitt, and DMH students who cannot individually meet the minimum usage requirements on a regular basis may apply for shared carrel assignments:

 After December 15th each year, remaining available Baldwin carrels may be assigned to other Caspersen    and Theological School students pursuing graduate degrees in the following order of priority:

 The assigned term for carrels is dependent upon academic status:











Furniture and Equipment in Carrels:






Use of Library Resources:














Assignment Revocation:

The Library reserves the right to revoke an assignment if a carrel is determined to have been underused or improperly used.  Failure to comply with or violation of these policies and procedures will result in the loss of the carrel assignment.





Appeals Process:


Students may appeal any decision affecting their carrel assignment.  Appeals are first directed to the Carrel Coordinator, then to the Head of Circulation, then to the Associate Dean of Libraries.  The Associate Dean of Libraries will consult the Dean of the student’s school as needed.

 Appeals from Drew staff or faculty regarding their ineligibility for carrel and locker assignments should be made to the Associate Dean of Libraries. 


Questions about carrel policies and procedures should be directed to the Carrel Coordinator.

*The Library reserves the right to add additional student academic groups to appropriate categories if the University adds new doctoral or masters-level programs requiring dissertations or theses.

Drew University Library   

Policies and Procedures for Assigned Lockers

June 1, 2014


The Drew University Library has a limited number of lockers.  The following policies and procedures are designed to administer assigned lockers as equitably as possible.



General Information and Eligibility:








Library staff.  The replacement charge for a lost or damaged combination lock is $25.00.




Use of Library Resources:













Assignment Revocation:






Appeals Process:


Students may appeal any decision affecting their locker assignment.  Appeals are first directed to the Carrel Coordinator, then to the Head of Circulation, then to the Director of Libraries.  The Dean/Director of Libraries will consult the Dean of the student’s school as needed.


Appeals from Drew staff or faculty regarding their ineligibility for carrel and locker assignments should be made to the Dean/Director of Libraries. Questions about locker policies and procedures should be directed to the Carrel Coordinator.