Drew Special Collections and University Archives

Our purpose in collecting is to develop existing collection strengths and serve our research community by focusing attention on those areas that support the goals of the library and the Drew University scholarly community, including:

Although limited funds are available to purchase Methodist and related materials, special collections are acquired primarily through donation. Generally donations are accepted only if no conditions specifying retention and access are attached. Whenever appropriate, the Library will solicit funding from the donor to help cover the costs of cataloging and preservation. The Library will accept materials only with a legal transfer of title through a deed of gift, deposit agreement or other official acknowledgement.

Special Collections and University Archives will not normally acquire materials for which we do not have the resources to house, process, or preserve. Collections should complement and strengthen existing areas of the collection, including our general collections, and/or the University's academic programs.

Materials that do not reflect Drew's collecting scope or do not possess sufficient archival value may be deaccessioned, subject to the documented terms of acquisition, university regulations, and state and federal laws. Duplicate materials may be deaccessioned as well.