Orientation has long been a part of Drew life. It has gone through many changes, from the events through the fashions. Here are a few highlights:


1941 – games, chapel, conference on study habits, vocational interest and personality analyses, teas in faculty homes (invitation only), new psychological examination, and sophomore initiation campfire.

1952 – reception, supper with faculty and their wives, language tests (optional), personality inventories, reading tests, group meetings divided into women and men, Jamboree, chapel, campus tours, picnic, Religious Life program, fun frolic, freshman camp, student-faculty games and picnic.


1933 – speech auditions, physical examinations, chapel, matriculation service, and student association party.

1950 – tour of campus, chapel, get-acquainted period, introduction to the Student Council, graduate record examinations, speech auditions, visit to professors’ homes, Bible examinations, field work groupings, athletics, wives’ meeting.