"Citation Searching" is a term used for starting from a particular information source and finding other information sources that use, or cite, the original source in their bibliographies/references.

Citation Searching is the logical opposite of looking in the bibliography of the source you have in order to find related articles: you find related articles by looking for it in other bibliographies.
Using the bibliography of a paper, you can look backward in time; using citation searching to go forward in time.

There are several database/search engines that allow citation searching. Among them are:

  1. Web of Science and Knowledge (a subscription database paid for by Drew)
    1. Drew's Summon service, which incorporates citation counts/searching from the Web of Science
  2. Google Scholar (a free web search engine for searching scholarly materials online)
  3. CiteSeerx at Penn State University
  4. Subject and journal databases:
    1. PsycInfo
    2. Biosis/Medline
    3. JSTOR
    4. MathSciNet
    5. ScienceDirect