Missing Person Policy and Contact Form

Approving University Official: Dean of Students

Responsible Office: Campus Life and Student Affairs

Effective Date: August 1, 2009 

Next review date: July 1, 2028

I. Policy Statement

This policy is a requirement of the Higher Education Authorization Act. The HEOA mandates institutions:

II. Purpose

Each student living in on-campus student housing has the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing, and that authorized campus officials and law enforcement officers may have access to this information. Please complete this form advising the University the proper individual(s) whom you would like to be notified in the event you are reported missing. Shall no form be completed, the university will utilize the default emergency contact information on file.

III. Audience

All residents.

IV. Procedures

If a Drew student is suspected missing, immediately contact the Department of Campus Security at 973-408-3379. Students can also contact the following for additional follow-up and reporting:

All reports of missing persons made to Campus Security are followed up with an on-going investigation, per standard operating procedures. If it is determined that a student for whom a missing person report has been filed has been missing for more than 24 hours, then within the next 24 hours the university will:

V. Related Information

Emergency Contact Registration Form:


VI. Contacts

The Office of Campus Life & Student Affairs can address questions regarding this Policy: stuaff@drew.edu; (973) 408-3390; and 

The Department of Campus Security, security@drew.edu; (973) 408-3379.

VII. History

This policy was revised on August 27, 2024 with a policy origination date of August 1, 2009.