Rev. Barent Johnson, teaching fellow in philosophy, 1962-1964, University Registrar 1964-1986. University Archivist 1988-1993.

According to Drew Today, September 26, 2013:



"Johnson arrived at Drew in 1962 after serving as pastor of the Trinity United Methodist Church in Connecticut....After receiving an honorary degree from Drew in 1984, he retired in 1986.


“It was most unusual for a registrar to be given an honorary degree,” says Drew President Vivian A. Bull, “but that was in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Drew’s academic community.”


...Johnson personified Drew, say former colleagues, noting both his erudition and devotion to the institution. He is remembered for having approached his work as a calling, not just a career, acting on what he believed was in the best interest of the students and the college long term."