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 100 - G09

Crowther, Molly

Science in fiction (but NOT science fiction)

Margery Ashmun, x3483

 100 - G01

Golden, Jonathan

Global peacebuilding and leadership (GVLLV)

Jody Caldwell, x3481

 100 - G17

Jennings, George-Harold

On being human

Beth Patterson, x3480

 100 - G14

Jordan, Jason

American inequality

Beth Patterson, x3480

 100 - G07

Keane, Rita

Art and the body

Bruce Lancaster, x3487

 100 - G20

Koritz, Amy

Community service

Jenne Heise, x3765 

 100 - G13

Larsen, Bjorg

Physics for future presidents

Margery Ashmun, x3483

 100 - G10

Lenz, John

Meaning of life in ancient thought

Bruce Lancaster, x3487

 100 - G15

Lokaneeta, Jinee

Politics of popular culture

Beth Patterson, x3480

 100 - G04

Masucci, Maria

Why do we eat that?

Jody Caldwell, x3481

 100 - G03

Mishra, Sangay

Citizenship and borders   (GVLLV)

Beth Patterson, x3480

 100 - G02

Occhipinti, Emanuele

Eataly:  Food in Italian culture (GVLLV)

Jody Caldwell, x3481

 100 - G19

Reader, Jonathan

Community service

Jenne Heise, x3765 

 100 - G18

Robinette, Stewart

Community service

Jenne Heise, x3765 

 100 - G06

Solderholm, Rebecca

Eye.  Spy.  The art of observation

Bruce Lancaster, x3487

 100 - G12

Sprout, Leslie

Music and sound technology

Bruce Lancaster, x3487r

 100 - G11

Surace, Steve

Mathematics:  The language of the universe

Margery Ashmun, x3483

 100 - G05

Van Blerkom, Linda

Forensic anthropology examined

Jody Caldwell, x3481

 100 - G08

Windfelder, Tammy

Fact or fiction:  Using science to tackle popular myths

Margery Ashmun, x3483