Given to the graduating political science major who has demonstrated exemplary performance in his or her coursework in the department and exceptional comprehension of the discipline. Created with the support of Drew's John H. Ewing Center for Public Service and Public Affairs, a nonpartisan organization designed to enhance students' appreciation of public service and their understanding of public affairs.  The Center is named for the former New Jersey State Senator, John Ewing, who throughout his distinguished career made education his highest priority.

2021Sarah Elizabeth Gass, Performance and Comprehension
Ryan Stephen Strauss, Performance and Comprehension
2020Adam Sandonato, Performance and Comprehension

Brooke Elizabeth Winters, Performance and Comprehension
Laila Malek Mahmoud Hanandeh, Performance and Comprehension

2018Crystal Mae Caragine, Performance and Comprehension

Kathleen Michael Annarelli, Performance and Comprehension
Nancy F. Moemen, Performance and Comprehension

2016Allison Nicole Rastelli
Charles Louis Sutter 
2015Kishan Vinay Patel
Eliza G. Sheff

Andrew William Bishop
Mariel A. Hooper
Joel Elias Chapman