Most often, the Argos Web Viewer at will allow you to run the reports you need to see in Argos. However, one can also follow these steps to use CloudPC for Argos.

  1. Navigate your approved browser to
  2. Log in if prompted.
  3. If you have not used CloudPC before, follow the instructions at Setting Up Citrix Workspace for CloudPC.
  4. At the CloudPC desktop, use the Search box at the top right to find "Argos Reporting PROD". Click on the result in the menu to add the shortcut to your CloudPC desktop. 
  5. Click the icon on the desktop to launch Argos Reporting PROD. 
  6. Click "Permit use" on the Citrix Workspace - Security Warning box that pops up.
  7. Log in to Argos.
  8. Expand the PROD folder to navigate to the report(s) you need.
    1. You can double click the PROD folder in the center (highlighted yellow in the image below) to expand it.
    2. You can click on the triangle to the left of the PROD folder in the menu at the left (highlighted in pink in the image below) to expand the folder in that left menu.
    3. You can single click on the PROD folder in the menu at the left (highlighted in green in the image below) to expand the folder in the center frame. 

Reviewed June 9, 2023