(See also: The Drew Song)

Words by John E. Barclay C'35

Amid the tow'ring forest
Thy halls of learning stand;
They name our purpose to uphold,
We'll spread through all the land.

The colors ever glorious
Still wave on high so true;
All hail to Drew forevermore,
All hail the green and blue.

The years so swiftly passing
New heirs to thee will bring.
With loyal, true and honest hearts,
To thee they'll ever sing.

For years they'll dwell within thy halls
Midst scenes we love so well,
And they will learn to love thee too,
And of thy glory tell.

And when the shadows lengthen,
And sunset tints the blue,
Then to my mem'ry comes again,
A thought that's ever new.

Thy colors high before us wave,
A challenge to be true.
All hail our alma mater fair.
All hail to dear old Drew.

Courtesy of the Drew University Archives