The life of the community in the Theological School is an important dimension of theological education and a source of support for all students.

Through chapel services held Tuesday through Thursday, community meals, frequent discussions involving students, faculty, staff, and invited guests, students form lasting friendships that cross lines of denomination, race, age, lifestyle, and gender and enter into a dialogue that is informative and formative at the same time. In addition, students are encouraged to become active in the Theological Student Association (TSA) or the Graduate Division of Religion Student Association (GDRSA) and to serve on school committees as interest and time allow.

Information about community events and chapel services is available via our bi-weekly “Theo Update” publication delivered to your Drew email.

Seminary Hall 

The offices of the Theological School faculty are in Seminary Hall and most of our classes are held in the building. This building has been the center of theological education at Drew for more than a century. 

Seminary Hall Staff 

Javier Viera, Vice Provost and Dean of the Theological School

Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 

Tanya Linn Bennett, Associate Dean of Vocation and Formation

Jennifer East, Assistant to the Vice Provost/Dean of the Theological School

Beth Babcock, Assistant to the Associate Deans and Operations Manager

Craig Dunn, Director of External and Alumni Relations

Kimberleigh Jordan, Director of Craig Chapel

Susan Kendall, Director of Doctoral Studies

Kevin Miller, Director of Theological Admissions

Denise Panyik-Dale, Communications Manager

Rachel Pastoriza, Major Gifts Officer, Office of University Advancement

Sharon William, Faculty Coordinator

Steve Wolma, Associate Director of Theological School Admissions


Craig Chapel - Seminary Hall

Rev. P. Kimberleigh Jordan, Director of Craig Chapel, Seminary Hall 204
Weekly Services: Tuesday 4:10 to 4:50 PM Community Worship
Wednesday 6:10-6:50 PM Community Worship
Thursday 12:00-1:05 PM Service of the Word and Table (Communion)

Chapel services are a wonderful opportunity to savor the diversity of the Drew community as well as to hear faculty, alumni/ae, and guest preachers.


The Seminary Choir provides music for worship and other events. Members may participate for academic credit or simply for pleasure and personal enrichment. Mark Miller, Composer in Residence and Associate Professor of Music, conducts the choir.

Community Meals

The Theological School community frequently gathers to share community meals. Sometimes there are speakers for the lunch and other times they are purely for fellowship with each other. Watch the “Theo Update” for information on these events.

The Melander-Bolanger Commuter Lounge and Coffee Bar

The basement of Seminary Hall houses a commuter lounge with lockers for the use of commuting students. It also includes a coffee bar where students, faculty and staff may purchase coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Study space is also available in the lounge.


There are many opportunities for students to attend lectures on academic topics presented by all three schools.

The Theological School also offers a number of regular lectures and lecture series featuring prominent authorities. Traditionally, alumni/ae class reunions are held during the Tipple/Vosburgh lecture series each October. In addition, there is the Nelle K. Morton lecture, highlighting women’s issues in society and religious communities, the Martin Luther King, Jr. lecture, which addresses theological and ethical issues from the perspective of the African-American experience, and the Frederick Shippey lecture in the sociology of religion.


Theological School Community Garden

Located on-campus (across the rugby field by the Carriage House), the DUTS Community Garden is an opportunity for students to get outside and garden. The garden is a communal area where everyone pitches in, from novice to experienced gardeners! Volunteers do garden work once a week, which includes cleanup and weeding, transplanting seeds, watering and harvesting, and near the end of the season, winterizing. Produce from the garden is donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry on a regular basis.


United Methodist Church Liaison

The Rev. Dr. Amy Beth Jones, Director of External Relations, (x3084) is available by appointment to help students discern their call and vocation.


Student Organizations

Theological Student Association (TSA)

All theological students are automatically members of the TSA and are invited to be involved in making decisions for the Theological School community.  Incoming students are eligible and encouraged to seek membership in committees and as First-Year Representatives during the  fall elections.  If you are an enrolled student in the Theological School, you are a valued member of the TSA and are welcome at all general meetings.

Students who serve on a specific committee should remember to report on its activity at TSA general meetings.  The TSA serves as the umbrella organization of the other master’s program student caucuses and organizes worship services, community meals, lectures, social events and community feedback forums.

Black Ministerial Caucus (BMC)

As a witness to the Christian faith, the Black Ministerial Caucus (BMC) of the Drew Theological School is committed to enhancing the Drew community and others by fostering spiritual transformation, cultural exchange, ecumenical partnerships, and support of its members. Through worship, educational initiatives, practical workshops, and volunteer opportunities, the Black Ministerial Caucus seeks to support students of the African diaspora in achieving success in their studies and assisting them in professional development and leadership.


The Latino/a Caucus of the Drew Theological School is comprised of Hispanic/Latino people who are immigrants, immigrants’ descendants, or natives of Spanish and/or Portuguese speaking countries and all those who have a commitment to the Hispanic/Latino population and ministries. SOMOS supports and encourage its members as they journey through their seminary experience be it through activities, coursework, and social events, using resources from within and outside the Drew community. SOMOS means “We Are” in Spanish and this concept encapsulates the spirit of family, diversity, and inclusivity that characterizes the Drew community.

Korean Caucus

The Korean Caucus is committed to promoting the well-being of the Korean community and to building a collaborative network between the Korean community and other ethnic communities. Events include Korean worship services, lectures and seminars.


Terra (Transforming Environmental and Religious Resources in Action) provides opportunities for education and advocacy regarding ecological issues specifically for the students of the Theological School, and generally the student body of Drew University. TERRA focuses on bringing together theological and religious concerns with environmental and ecological concerns. Their efforts are focused both on promoting environmentalism in the Theo School and across Drew’s campus, and in the various church and civic communities of which our members are a part. TERRA works cooperatively with the University’s sustainability programs and other student environmental groups in order to support campus-wide ecological awareness. TERRA plays an integral role in planting and maintaining the Theological School Community Garden.


SPECTRUM is the Theo School’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Asexual, and Intersex (LGBTQAI) graduate and undergraduate student organization which advocates for the radical inclusion of all persons in all faith communities.

Graduate Division of Religion Student Association (GDRSA)


All students in the Graduate Division of Religion are automatically members of the GDRSA. Student representatives serve on various Theological School and University committees. The GDRSA offers some financial assistance to students presenting papers at academic conferences as well as sponsoring social activities for PhD students.


Theological Alumni Association (TAA)

The Drew University Theological School Alumni Association (TAA) was formed to promote the interests of the Theological School of Drew University, to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relations between the alumni and the Theological School, and to support the University in its pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, and public service by developing strong bonds of loyalty between alumni and the University by promoting the stature of Drew University, and by encouraging efforts to provide lifelong learning. Upon graduation, all Theological Students become members of the TAA.