An instance does not require a status but once one is assigned it can not be removed - it can only be changed to a different status. Instances, whether migrated from the ILS or loaded from scratch, will not initially be assigned a status.

The reference data would have included the following prefab statuses (and codes)...

  • cataloged (cat)
  • uncatalogued (uncat)
  • batch loaded (batch)
  • temporary (temp)
  • other (other)
  • not yet assigned (none)

...but we decided to load these instead...

  • discarded (akaWithdrawn)
  • original cataloging (notCopyCat)
  • more information needed (thereRquestions)
  • ready for circ (noProblem)
  • series error (oops)
  • waiting for invoice (stillWaiting)

...via API using /opt/folio/api/POST/ - 6/18/2020

  • No labels