This is what the previous Steering Committee for replacing AIMS developed.

Departments that wish to purpose the acquisition of third party commercial software for administrative purposes address the questions below to justify your request for the University to invest money and support in the purchase and implementation of third party software. This request will be presented to the UDST committee for review and if approved can then be submitted for budget approval.

  • Need: What need will the software meet, i.e. what job will be done that is now not done, or what job will be done better by using the software? What benefits will accrue to the community and/or your department from having this job done or done better?
  • Selection Process: What was your selection process? Vendors, specifications, selection committee or individual(s).
  • Users: Who will be the users of the software (faculty, staff, students)? What will be the desktop interface and why will it be advantageous?
  • Implementation: How will the software be implemented – by department alone, by vendor, with what support from University Technology? What time frame are you looking at to be running live with this system? Why? How long is a typical implementation? Is there a time during the year that would not be a good time to implement? Why?
  • Costs: What are the initial purchase and/or licensing costs for the software and hardware? Is there an annual maintenance cost in addition to the original purchase cost? What computers/operating systems are necessary to run the software? Does the software require a server to run on the campus network? Is it a dedicated server? Are there special security or privacy issues? Are there competing third party software products that serve the same purpose? What is the plan for professional support? What is the source of funding for this project departmental budget, technology budget request, University budget process)?
  • Integration: What data will be used in connection with this software? If applicable, who will do the data entry? Will the data be downloaded from AIMS? Uploaded to AIMS? What is the plan to ensure data integrity and integration?
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