it wasn't till after I created most of the instances, holdingsRecords, and items that I learned that EDS requires MARC records to be in what the folks at EBSCO are calling Source Record Storage which is actually the records db table. So, in order for EDS to look to FOLIO re the library catalog, and for Patron Functionality to work, it will be necessary to reProcess all of the MARCs that are in the folio MySQL db like so:

  • flag, and do not follow-thru with, any title whose instance has been modified since it was first created - for each of these...
    • update the MARC so that it agrees with the instance and then follow-thru with...
  • replace Sirsi-based 999s with FOLIO-based 999s
  • overlay (PUT) FOLIO's instance db table - this is because several 7xxs were added to the wrong instances - overlaying the instance will correct those mistakes
  • add (POST) the new MARC to FOLIO's "records" db table
  • add (INSERT) the instanceId, recordId, mrc, and solrID to the folio.titles MySQL db table
  • overlay (UPDATE) Walter's MySQL db with the new MARC and re-index in Solr
    • delete the Sirsi CatalogKey solrID and add the 001 solrID

But all of that is going to take time and so here's the plan:

  1. add records for all of the instances that currently have items checked out in the loans db table
    1. search MySQL::folio.titles for the instanceIds to determine whether of not there is a recordId
      1. if there is : ignore it
      2. if there is not >>instanceIds2process.txt
    2. PUT each instance
    3. POST each record & update Solr
  2. send that questionnaire back to EBSCO and get Patron Functionality off the ground
  3. load records for the rest of the recordLess instances
  4. make bibServices work for batches as well as individual titles
  • No labels