In the Charter and Bylaws and Faculty Personnel Policy of Drew University (p. 22, Faculty Personnel Policy, Section VI, Procedures for Reappointment and Promotion) the purpose of Committees on Faculty is explained as follows:

“To permit the Faculties of the several components of Drew University to participate in the maintenance of professional standards, each component has a faculty committee charged to review with the Dean the credentials and accomplishments of each faculty member to be considered for reappointment,  promotion, or tenure. ... The members of the University Library professional  staff, as members of the University Faculty, are regarded as one of the components of Drew University for these purposes. The Director* of the  University Library will function as a dean in these matters and all others having to do with faculty status.”

* Note: the University Bylaws have not been amended to change in status of library director to dean (2009)


The Library Committee on Faculty corresponds to other committees (College Committee on Faculty, Theological School Committee on Faculty, etc.) within the University structure that perform the same functions. The LCOF facilitates the Library Faculty’s deliberation on faculty status and concerns, and serves in an advisory capacity to the Library Dean. The LCOF represents the Library Faculty in the Library and in the University.

The Committee fulfills these roles:

  • by interpreting those policies which affect the status, responsibilities, and concerns of librarians at Drew as members of the University Faculty
  • by performing peer reviews and making recommendations for promotion, reappointment or termination to the Dean
  • by reviewing proposals for sabbaticals and requests for leaves of absence and making recommendations to the Dean
  • by recommending appointments to committees comprised of Library Faculty (e.g. search committees)
  • by clarifying faculty personnel procedures and practices which affect the Library Faculty
  • by consulting with the Dean to set Library Faculty meeting agendas
  • by selecting one of its members to serve on the Library’s Human Resources Development Committee, or equivalent, and one of its members to serve on the University Committee on Faculty


The LCOF is comprised of four members elected by the Library Faculty for two-year terms. The Library Dean serves on the committee ex-officio. The Dean does not deliberate with the Committee during the peer review process. Terms are staggered. No librarian may serve more than two consecutive terms.

Elections are held in late spring for terms beginning September 1. Any full-time librarian who has had a peer review is eligible to be elected. All members of the Library Faculty are eligible to vote.

Members on part-time sabbatical or leave have the option to serve on the LCOF or not. If replacement of a member is necessary, the LCOF will call for an election. Members on full-time sabbatical or on leave may be replaced by election.


The Library Committee on Faculty meets regularly during the academic year to conduct its business.

Approved: 10/10/2003
Amended: 2/13/2009

Amended 10/9/2009

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1 Comment

  1. Timeline for LCOF:

    LCOF meets with the Dean prior to every Faculty meeting to set the meeting Agenda.

    LCOF Chair should reserve the meeting room for the Faculty meeting--usually Rm 212 (sign up at Reserve desk) or Staff Room (reserve on paper calendar on bookcase in Kim's office and also on calendar on Staff Room door) in advance. Faculty meeting is generally 2nd Friday, 9:30-11, but is subject to change.

    Other events during a typical year:


    Peer review





    Fac Mtg: Notes upcoming peer reviews (forms due to LCOF  2/1)

    Finishes peer review for promotion and gets documents to Dean  and candidate ASAP.


    Works on peer reviews forwards documents to the Dean and candidate.


    Faculty mtg: Publishes committee openings; solicits  nominations via ballot box


    Accepts nominations up to Faculty meeting time. Distributes paper ballot at the Faculty meeting;
    Publishes results by the end of May. Informs administration of new cte members.


    Solicits requests at Faculty meeting; (deadline 11/1)

    Solicits requests at Faculty meeting (deadline 10/1)


    Solicits requests at Faculty meeting

    Approves sabbatical requests and forwards  letter to the Dean w/ copy to candidates.


    Notifies the eligible (peer review  form due from candidate 12/1).


    Fac Mtg: Notes upcoming peer reviews (due to LCOF 2/1)

    Works on peer review.