ATLA, Old Testament Abstracts & New Testament Abstracts
- These 3 databases share a common platform: EBSCOhost
- All 3 databases contain limited full text
- Article Linker Guide Explains how to find full text from a citation
- Coverage: ATLAS+: 1949- . Old Testament Abstracts: 1978-. New Testament Abstracts: 1985-
Advanced Search
provides better search-building options and is recommended.- To broaden a search, use alternative terms connected by OR
- To narrow a search, use AND, which takes the intersection of the terms combined
- Use parentheses to determine the order in which terms are combined.
Use the Scriptures tab to search for articles on specific Bible passages
The Limit options narrow and focus a search.
The Index tab allows for browsing. For example, select Subjects All from the dropdown menu to search for authorized subject terms.
Use the Search History tab to review search strategy.
To refine a search from Search History: combine sets by Search ID# in the Find box.
Last updated 08/24/2006 by Ernie Rubinstein