There are four main types of UN documents:
- Periodicals
- Sales Publications
- Official Records
- Masthead or working documents
The Drew UN Collection contains:
- Several UN periodicals are incorporated into the main periodical collection. Search the catalog for specific titles. Several periodicals are also available online via UN bodies or organizations.
- Various sales publications. Recent sales publications are found in the main book collection. Older publications are shelved on C-Level in the UN collection.
- Official Records. Official Records volumes are listed in the catalog. Official Records are shelved on C-Level in the UN collection, in document symbol order.
- General Assembly 1946 - 2007 GA/OR - current and older documents are also available online from ODS and UNBISnet.
- Social and Economic Council 1946 - 2007 ECOSOC/OR - current and older documents are also available online from ODS and UNBISnet.
- Security Council 1946 – 2002 SC/OR
- Trusteeship Council 1947-1995 TC/OR
- Trade and Development Board 1965-1991 TD/OR
- Working documents are available online from 1993 onward from ODS and UNBISnet.
- Additionally, there are relevant reference books in the Reference collection in the main floor of the library devoted to United Nations issues: Ref 341.23