Drew University Library http://www.drew.edu/library


  1. The University rarely closes because of snow, tornadoes, or hurricanes. If the weather is severe enough to make you think that you should leave, do so after notifying your supervisor. However, if you leave before the University officially closes, you will not be paid for the time not worked.
    See Human Resources Policy #301, Work Schedule Affected by Weather Conditions .
    If you are the Circulation supervisor on evenings or weekends, see (4.) below.
  2. If the University intends to close due to inclement weather, the Library Administrative Office will send out a voice message to all staff indicating the time at which the University will officially close, as well as any other pertinent information such as when the University will reopen.
  3. For information on University closings or delayed openings, due to weather conditions, call the University telephone number (408 - DUSC).
  4. Guidelines for Library Hours and Inclement Weather (Appendix)

* If conditions warrant, the Dean of Libraries may make an exception to this policy.

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