Drew University Library http://www.drew.edu/library

See also: In-house Emergency Supplies

1. Keys

Admin. Office

2. Main Utilities

a) Main electrical cut-off switch

LC: Mechanical Room near tunnel

b) Main water shut-off valve

LC: Mechanical Room near tunnel

c) Main gas shut-off

No gas in buildings; a pipe remains on A level near MRC

3. Sprinkler system

Shut-off: By bicycle rack, front of Learning Center

4. Heating/cooling system

Learning Center: Roof


A/C: Roof
Heat: Embury

5. Fire extinguishers

Location: see Appendix
All Library extinguishers are Type ABC

6. Master fire alarm (pull box)

Circulation (Alarm activates shutter doors)

7. Smoke and heat detectors


8. Cellular phones

Director; Conservator, et al.

9. Portable pump

Plant Office/Facilities

10. Extension cords
(50 ft., grounded)

Plant Office/Facilities

11. Flashlights

In each Library office

12. Camera

Computer Ctr.- digital camera

13. Battery operated radio

Bruce Lancaster’s office

14. Tool kit

Okinaka & Lancaster have kits

15. Brooms and dustpans

Custodial closet

16. Mop, bucket, spongers

Custodial closets

17. Wet-vacuum

Plant Office/Facilities

18. Metal book trucks

Library has adequate number

19. Portable folding tables

Plant Office/Facilities

20. Portable fans

Schultz Room & Plant Office/Facilities can get quickly

21. Protective masks/goggles

Preservation (masks); Goggles to be purchased

22. Hard hats

Plant Office/Facilities

23. Rubber boots

To be purchased

24. Rubber or plastic aprons

To be purchased

25 Gloves (leather, rubber)

To be purchased

26. Drying space

University facilities (gym, etc.)
Rented space

27. Milk crates

To be purchased

28. Portable dehumidifiers/fans(5)

A-deck cage,. Circ., Cataloging, Schultz Rm. & Plant Office/Facilities


Under oak table in Preservation Room #120

See also: In-house Emergency Supplies

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