Drew University Library http://www.drew.edu/library

"An Ohio man has become infected with misinformation about the Ebola virus through casual contact with cable news, the CDC has confirmed... Once [his] condition was apparent, [he] was rushed to a public library and given a seventh-grade biology textbook, at which point he “started to stabilize,” the spokesman said."-- satirist Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker.

Credo Reference

Start your search for reliable info about Ebola virus in Drew’s Credo Reference Collection, where a search turns up a Topic page & reference sources.


The National Library of Medicine’s resource for the general public on Ebola, with links to a Medical Encyclopedia, overviews, clinical trials and more.

Centers for Disease Control: Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease)

Updated information about U.S. government response to the threat of the virus to U.S. citizens, symptoms, risks, diagnosis, outbreaks & health care worker info.

 WHO Global Alert and Response (GAR) Situation reports

“…Ebola response roadmap that contains review of the epidemiological situation and response monitoring.”

Disaster Information Management Resource Center

This “Ebola Outbreak 2014: Information Resources” page gives links to resources on Ebola from a wide variety of government, NGO and other sources:

 Atlas of Human Infectious Diseases

See Ebola and Marburg Virus Disease (p. 208-9), in this ebook for “information on the pathogen, disease transmission, incubation time, clinical finding, prevention, treatment, epidemiology, main resources, and references.”

Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence

Need to regain your sense of proportion? A quick scan shows many more fearsome diseases of the past survived by our ancestors.

NJ Dept. of Health

Communicable Disease Services  http://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/vhf.shtml

* Warning: browsing reference resources can be informative!

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