To identify what has been written on a topic within sociology, SocINDEX is a core database. It. indexes and provides abstracts of scholarly material within the discipline, somewhat broadly defined.
Getting Started:
You can begin with a keyword search, like the one below, which will help you identify appropriate material:
Narrowing Searches:
You can restrict your search to scholarly or academic publications:
After selecting "Scholarly," |
To limit your results by subject, look for the limit on the left-hand column on the screen:
Selecting specific |
Using the Thesaurus:
You can also look at the list of subject terms listed in the database:
Click "Subject Terms" in the top bar:
Clicking on emigration & immigration will "explode" the term, If you select the terms by clicking in the box, and then |
Combining Searches:
You can combine searches two ways:
- Add search boxes to the Advanced Search:
Go to Search History:
After clicking on "Search History,"
select the searches that you wish to combine.
Dealing with Results:
When you have sources that might be useful, you'll need to actually look at them! Sometimes the source is available in SocINDEX, indicated by a "Linked Full Text," PDF or HTML link in the record. If it is not available within SocINDEX, click on the Article Linker:
This will open a window which will tell you if the item is available elsewhere:
In this case, the article is available in two other |
- Call (973-408-3588) or come to the Reference Desk in the Library (9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday; 6:00pm-10pm, Sunday-Thursday).
- Send us an email at
- Meebo us for a chat from Research Resources when the Reference Desk is staffed.
- When the Desk isn't staffed, go to Q&A/New Jersey.
Or just give me a call or drop me an email:
Jody Caldwell
Guide generated 1/23/14.