Choose Business Source Premier from the Resources by Title list.
Looking up company profiles
Business Source Premier includes Datamonitor company profiles for many companies. To look for a profile for a company you are interested in:
Click on Company Profiles in the search bar at the top of the screen.
Type in the name of the Company you are looking for and click Browse. (If you are not sure of some of the words in the company name, you may want to select "Match Any Words" before clicking Browse.)
Clicking on the name of the company will bring up an abstract which includes the company address, SIC codes, an abstract of the report, and principal company products.
If you'd like to look for more articles on the company, click on the "Search Periodicals and Other Sources for: [Company Name]" link.
To see the report, click on the Datamonitor Report link. Datamonitor reports include a company overview, key facts, business description, company history, key employees, major products and services and an analysis thereof, a SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges) report, top competitors, locations and subsidiaries.
The report will come up in PDF.
Be sure to use the print button in the PDF viewer, not the browser print command, to print any sections of the document you would like to.
Using the regular search functions of Business Source Premier
You can use the same kind of search in Business Source Premier as you would in Academic Search Premier to get information about an industry and/or company. Enter your keywords in the Find box, and click Search.
Subheadings appear in the yellow bar on the left; click on them to narrow your search. (To search just for those headings, though, you'll have to retype them in the Find box).
You can limit to academic journals, trade publications, managazines; but you can also pull up just Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats analysis, Industry Profiles, Market Research Reports, Product Reviews, and even Country Reports that mention the term(s)
The SWOT analyses come out of the Datamonitor Reports. However, the other types of reports each come from a different publication.
Most of the journal and report information full text is contained within the database. When a journal article is not inside the database, use the Article Linker button to find out whether we have that article in another print or Electronic format.