The core database in Women's Studies. Selectively indexes 2,000 journals, as well as books, for relevant material, 1972-present.
The core database in Women's Studies. Selectively indexes 2,000 journals, as well as books, for relevant material, 1972-present.
Beginning a search:
You can search by entering terms in the search boxes and clicking "Search."
Look at relevant results to identify additional terms to search:
Narrowing your search:
You can reduce the number of results in a number of ways:
- Limit results by the type of publication by selecting "Source Type" in the left column:
- Narrow by searching within the results for specific subject terms, selected from "Subject" in the left column:
- Enter additional concepts in the search boxes, and combine them with previous searches using AND:
In this database, it is not recommended that you use the "Select a Field"/Subject to narrow your search.
Retrieving the items:
Although Women's Studies International does contain some full-text material, if the item(s) you want are not available within the database, click on !AL.gif!in the database. If the source is not available electronically, click on "Search the catalog by journal title" - even if what you need is a book or part of a book, it will search the Drew Library Catalog to see if we own the material in print. Questions on that? See our tipsheet.
- Call the Reference Desk at 973-408-3588.
- Chat with a Drew reference librarian during regular hours via LibraryH3lp on the Research Resources page, and also within Women's Studies International, on the right.
- Text a Drew reference librarian during regular hours at 973-440-8LIB (973-440-8542)
- Email us at
- Contact Jody Caldwell (973-408-3481,
Find this guide at Research Resources//Guides and Research Help/Database Guides.
Revised August 2010