College Seminar, Fall 2010 (CSEM-16) 

Computers and Brains

Can we build an artificial brain?  How intelligent can a computer be?  What does it mean to be intelligent, anyway?  Can a brain be controlled by a computer (a la the Matrix.)?  We will explore several questions that are at the interface between the computer technology and the brain science.

Prof. Minjoon Kouh (, x8892, Hall of Science Rm. 342)

Office Hours: Mon and Tue 2-3 pm, or by appointment.

Textbook "On Intelligence" by Jeff Hawkins

Course website
Extra reading materials, assignments, and announcements will be posted on Moodle.

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the College Seminar, students will be able to:

  • Enter into and participate in a scholarly conversation both orally and in writing;
  • Comprehend, evaluate and analyze materials and texts [written, aural, visual numeric] as well as think synthetically and creatively about them;
  • Evaluate and explain the appropriate use of different kinds of information from a variety of academic and non-academic sources

Grading Policy
The College Seminar is a collective exploration of a topic.  Its success depends on the thorough preparation and participation of each of its members.  Missing class means depriving yourself of the insights you will gain through discussion and depriving others in the room of your contributions.  Therefore students are expected to be present at each meeting of the seminar and prepared to participate fully in the conversation.  The College Seminar will be graded as follows:

  • Attendance and Participation: 50%
    Students will not be penalized for absences covered by a Drew Policy (Religious Observance, Athletics, Serious Illness, Death in the Family) (e.g. Athletes are allowed a maximum of two absences, i.e. x/24 rather than x/26). However, it is possible for a student to miss so many classes that they cannot be considered to have taken the class and will not earn credit for it.  Paticipation will be evaluated on the basis of a rubric.
  • Course Assignments: 50%
    Writing to learn exercises are not counted if you are not in class; missed in-class writing  assignments or oral presentations or activities cannot be made up.

NOTE:  No extra credit will be offered in this class. 

Academic Accommodations 
Should you require academic accommodations, you must file a request with the Office of Educational Affairs (BC 114, extension 3327). It is your responsibility to self-identify with the Office of Educational Affairs and to provide me with the appropriate documentation from that office at least one week prior to any request for specific course accommodations.  There are no retroactive accommodations.
Academic Integrity
All work in the College Seminar must adhere to the College Standards on Academic Integrity. You must do your own work. You must cite sources appropriately in all papers and presentations. You must acknowledge the contribution of other students to your work. Any student who is in violation of this policy will be referred to the Dean’s Office for further action. The policy can be found at 

DoNUt and Library Training 
This seminar is designed with the assumption that you will have completed both the orientation to the Drew Computing environment (DoNUT) and the orientation to basic use of the Drew Library, both of which are a part of the Common Hour, within the first four weeks of the semester. 

Course Schedule



08/30, M

What and where are the intelligent machines?
Assignment #01: Chess

09/03, F

Can we use the game of chess as a way of measuring intelligence?  
Assignment #02: IBM's Deep Blue

09/06, M

No class (Labor Day)

09/10, F

What is the significance of Deep Blue in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Assignment #03: IBM's Watson.

09/13, M

What is Watson, and how is it different from the Deep Blue project?
Assignment #04: Read Hawkins (p. 1-8)

09/17, F

What is the essence of intelligence?  
Assignment #05: Read Hawkins (p. 9-18)

09/20, M

How do we study intelligence?  Is there a test for intelligence?
Assignment #06: Read Hawkins (p. 18-29)

09/24, F

Did AI movement fail?  Why, or why not?
Assignment #07: Read Hawkins (p. 29-39)

09/27, M

What is a neural network?  How is it different from an AI system?
Assignment #08: Read an excerpt from "Physics of the Impossible"

10/01, F

What is a top-down approach, and what is a bottom-up?
Assignment #09: Read an article on face recognition.

10/04, M

Visit library.

10/08, F

In what ways does the human visual system different from a machine vision system?
Assignment #10: Read an article on surveillance and privacy.

10/11, M

What would happen when the machine vision system becomes even better?
Assignment #11: Read Hawkins (p. 40-52)

10/15, F


10/18, M

No class (Reading Days)

10/20, W

Virtual Monday
What are the important features of the human brain?
Assignment #12: Read Hawkins (p. 52-64)

10/22, F

Is the brain a plastic, pattern machine?
Assignment #13: Read an article on plasticity of the brain.

10/25, M

How plastic is a cortex?
Assignment #14: Read Hawkins (p. 65-73)

10/29, F

What are important features of memory?
Assignment #15: Read Hawkins (p. 73-84)

11/01, M

Why is invariance important?

11/05, F

Why is memory important in the study of intelligence?
Assignment #16: Read an article on auto-associative memory.

11/08, M

How do we use mathematics and physics in studying memory?

11/12, F

What is an auto-associative memory model, and how does it work?
Assignment #17: Watch Hawkin's talk on TED.

11/15, M

What is Hawkin's main idea?
Assignment #18: Read Hawkins (p. 85-97)

11/19, F

What is a new framework of intelligence?
Assignment #19: Read Hawkins (p. 97-105)

11/22, M

Are animals intelligent?
Assignment #20: Read Hawkins (p. 222-235)

11/26, F

No class (Thanksgiving recess)

11/29, M

What would it be like in 10 years when we have a better understanding of intelligence?
Assignment #21: Watch Pawan's talk on TED.

12/03, F

How do you take your ideas into the world?

12/06, M

No class (Virtual Wednesday)

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