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h3. Summary

Drew’sDrew's twenty-five incunabula (books printed from movable type before 1501) were printed in 13 cities in 5 countries, in terms of present-day boundaries: Belgium (Antwerp -- 1); France (Paris -- 1, Strasbourg -- 4); Germany (Cologne -- 3, Frieburg -- 1, Nuremberg -- 6) are fully cataloged. ; Italy (Florence -- 1, Mantua -- 1, Milan -- 1, Naples -- 1, Rome -- 1, Venice -- 3); and Switzerland (Basel -- 1). Most notable is the Nuremberg Chronicle (Koberger, 1493), with every woodcut colored.

The following list may be sorted by author, title, place of printing, printer, date of printing and Goff number. For full descriptions and information concerning condition, bindings and provenance, please consult the library catalog: [|]. Information about Drew’s incunabula is recorded also in Bookbindings on Incunables in American Libraries ([|]) and the Incunabula Short Title Catalog ([|]).\\

h3. Contents

|| \# || Author || Title || Printing Place || Printer || Printing Date || Goff # ||
| 1 | Leo I, Pope, d. 461 | Sermones | Rome | Lignamine, Joannes Philippus de | 1470 (before 21 Sept.) | Goff L131 |
| 2 | Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274 | Summa theologica. Secunda secundae | Venice | Wild, Leonardus | 1479 | Goff T215 |
| 3 | Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1478 | Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1478 | Venice | Wild, Leonardus, for Nicolaus von Frankfurt | 1476 (July) | Goff B558 |
| 4 | Thomasinus, de Ferraria | Sermones quadragesimales | Cologne | Koelhoff, Johann | 1474 | Goff T357 |
| 5 | Ailly, Pierre d', 1350-1420? | Tractatus et sermones | Strasbourg | Husner, Georg, Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg | 1490 | Goff A488 |
| 6 | Platina, 1421-1481 | Vitae pontificum | Nuremberg | Koberger, Anton | 1481 (11 Aug.) | Goff P769 |
| 7 | Torquemada, Juan de, 1388-1468 | De potestate Papae et concilii generalis | Cologne | Quentell, Heinrich | 1480 (9 Sept.) | Goff T542 |
| 8 | Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo | De civitate Dei | Freiburg im Breisgau | Fischer, Kilian | 1494 | Goff A1246 & A1346 |
| 9 | Petrus, Comestor, 12th cent. | Historia scholastica | Strasbourg | Husner, Georg, Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg | 1485 (24 Feb.) | Goff P463 |
| 10 | Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, ca. 1100-1160 | Sententiarum libri IV. Vol. 4 | Nuremberg | Koberger, Anton | 1491 (after 2 March) | Goff P486 |
| 11 | Durand, Guillaume, ca. 1230-1296 | Rationale divinorum officiorum | Venice | Bevilaqua, Simon | 1493 (14 Mar.) | Goff D437 |
| 12 | Ephraem, Syrus, Saint, 303-373 | Sermones | Florence | Miscomini, Antonio | 1481 (23 August) | Goff E45 |
| 13 | Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, d. 397 | Selections. 1492 | Milan | Scinzenzeler, Ulrich, for Andrea de Bosiis | 1492 (16 June) | Goff A562 |
| 14 | Guido, de Monte Rocherii, 14th cent. | Manipulus curatorum | Paris | Caillaut, Antoine | 1490 (ca.) | Goff G600 |
| 15 | Antoninus, Saint, Archbishop of Florence, 1389-1459 | Confessionale. Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio | Cologne | Hoernen, Peter Ter | 1486 (ca.) | Goff A819 |
| 16 | Caracciolo, Roberto, 1425-1495 | Sermones | Naples | Moravo, Mattia | 1489 (31 January) | Goff C143 |
| 17 | Caracciolo, Roberto, 1425-1495 | Sermones | Antwerp | Leeu, Gerard | 1490 | Goff C149 |
| 18 | Vitae patrum | Vitae patrum | Strasbourg | Printer of the 1483 Vitas Patrum | 1483 (7 Mar.) | Goff H204 |
| 19 | Pablo, de Santa Maria, Bishop, d. 1435 | Scrutinium scripturarum | Mantua | Schall, Johannes | 1475 | Goff P204 |
| 20 | Bible. Latin. Vulgate. 1493 | Prima pars postilla fratris Nicolai de lyra \[4 volumes\] | Nuremberg | Koberger, Anton | 1493 (12 April) | Goff B618 |
| 21 | Schedel, Hartmann, 1440-1514 | Nuremberg chronicle | Nuremberg | Koberger, Anton | 1493 (12 July) | Goff S307 |
| 22 | Catholic Church | Decretales Gregorii IX | Basel | Wenssler, Michael | 1478 (19 August) | Goff G450 |
| 23 | Duns Scotus, John, ca. 1266-1308 | Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum | Nuremberg | Koberger, Anton | 1481 | Goff D380 |
| 24 | Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274 | Sententiarum libri IV | Strasbourg | Reyser, Georg \(?), Printer of Henricus Ariminensis | 1474-1477 (ca.) | Goff B870 |
| 25 | Vitae patrum | Vitae patrum | Nuremberg | Koberger, Anton | 1478 (7 May) | Goff H199 |