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Note: The Faculty-Alumni Publications Collection, a permanent collection of works written or edited by a Drew University faculty or staff member or alumna/e, is comprised of two separate sub-collections. Monographs are cataloged as regular library books and shelved in the Archives Rm. 312, shelves F29-46317. Articles and Offprints are preserved in archival boxes in Archives Rm. 312, shelf A14. 315 in the Faculty-Alumni Publications filing cabinet.. They are searchable through this bibliographic index, alphabetized by faculty, staff or alumna/e author.


  • Faculty-Alumni Publications: Monographs, searchable through the library's main catalog.
  • Individual faculty papers collections
  • Faculty Biography General File



Aldrich, Frederich A. and Margueritte L Marks. "Wymann Reed Green, American Biologist." BIOS, vol. 23, no. 1, March 1952: p. 26-35.

Andrea, Francine L. "Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance Recommends CM Changes." EASFAA Newsletter, Nov. 1990: p. 1, 6, 15-16.

Anderson, Bernhard W. "Education and the Christian Faith." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 42, no. 4, December 1954.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "The American Revolutionary War Hospital Department." Military Medicine, April 1961: p. 296-306. Original Offprint.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "Notes on Congregational Chaplains Serving in the American Revolutionary Army, 1775-1783." Boston: The Congregational Christian Historical Society, June 1, 1961. Original. 4 p.

Alba, Esther Sanchez-Grey. “Un Acercamiento a Celestino Antes del Alba de Reinaldo Arenas.” Circulo: Revista de Cultura, Vol. X, 1982, pp. 15-24.

Alba, Esther Sanchez-Grey. “Los Siete Locos de Roberto Arlt.” Circulo: Revista de Cultura, Vol. XII, 1983, pp. 31-41.

Alba, Esther Sanchez-Grey.  “Perfil de una ensayista de América: Dolores Martí de Cid.” Estudios de Ciencias y Letras, Vols. 14-15, 1987, pp. 171-178.  Photocopy.

Aldrich, Frederich A. and Margueritte L Marks. "Wymann Reed Green, American Biologist." BIOS, vol. 23, no. 1, March 1952: p. 26-35.

Andrea, Francine L. "Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance Recommends CM Changes." EASFAA Newsletter, Nov. 1990: p. 1, 6, 15-16.

Anderson, Bernhard W. "Education and the Christian Faith." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 42, no. 4, December 1954.

Anderson, Christopher J. “The World Is Our Parish: Remembering the 1919 Protestant Missionary Fair.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2006. pp.196-200.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "The American Revolutionary War Hospital Department." Military Medicine, April 1961: p. 296-306Applegate, Howard Lewis. "Preventive Medicine in the American Revolutionary Army." Military Medicine, May, 1961: p. 379-82. Original Offprint.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "The Story of SagamoreNotes on Congregational Chaplains Serving in the American Revolutionary Army, 1775-1783." Boston: The Congregational Christian Historical Society, June 1, 1961. Original. 4 p.

Applegate, Howard Lewis. "Preventive Medicine in the American Revolutionary Army." Military Medicine, May, 1961: p. 379-82. Original Offprint.

Applegate, Howard Lewis."The Story of Sagamore." Syracuse: University College of Syracuse University, circa 1961. Original pamphlet, 14 p.

Benson, Purnell H. "." Syracuse: University College of Syracuse University, circa 1961. Original pamphlet, 14 p.Benson, Purnell H. "A Model for the Analysis of Consumer Preference and an Exploratory Test." Journal of Applied Psychology, Oct. 1955. Ditto type of personal copy.

Bicknell, John W. "Alexander, Edward. John Morley." Choice, vol. 10, September 1973. Book Review.

Berke, Jacqueline and Ann L. Saltzman. “Teaching the Holocaust: The Case for an Interdisciplinary Approach,” in New Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Guide for Teachers and Scholars, ed. Rochelle L. Millen et al., 1996, pp. 131-140. Photocopy.

Berke, Jacqueline.  Untitled essay, in Essays by Coordinators and Participants in the New Jersey Master Faculty Program: Perspectives for exploring the ways in which faculty and students think and learn 1988-1990.  Princeton: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, pp. 114-115.

Bicknell, John W. "Alexander, Edward. John Morley." Choice, vol. 10, September 1973. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "Armstrong, Isobel. Victorian Bicknell, John W. "Armstrong, Isobel. Victorian Scrutinies; Reviews of Poetry, 1830-1870." Choice, vol. 10, no. 2, April 1973: p. 285. Book Review.


Bicknell, John W. "Trollope, Anthony. The New Zealander." Choice, vol. 9, no. 9, November 1972: p. 1134. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "WeisteinWeinstein, Mark A. William Edmondstoune Aytone and the Spasmodic Controversy." Choice vol. 5, no. 8, October 1968:
p. 963.

Bistis, George N., Annette Hervey, and Ina Leong. “Cultural Studies of Single Ascospore Isolates of Morchella esculenta.” Mycologia, Vol. LXX, No. 6, pp. 1269-1274, Nov.-Dec., 1978.

Bistis, George N. “Reproductive Isolation: Evidence that Ascobolus stercorarius and Ascobolus furfuraceus are two species, not one.” Fungal Genetics Newsletter 51:23-25, 2004.

Bistis, George N. “Retardation of the Growth of Transplanted Apothecia: A Manifestation of Vegetative Incompatibility in_Ascobolus stercorarius_ (Bull.) Schröt.Experimental Mycology 18, 103-110, 1994.


Burke, Kenneth. "What are the Signs of What?: A Theory of 'Entitlement'." Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 4, no. 6, June 1962: 21 pages. Typescript.

BurnsteinBurstein, Janet. "War of Contraries" (book review). Tikkun. vol. 17, no. 1, January/February 2002: p. 73-74. Photocopy.

BurnsteinBurstein, Janet. "What Pain? What Strengths?: Writings by the Kin of Shoah Survivors Speak of the Burdens, and Privilege, of Imaginings Events Known Only Through the Scars of Their Parents" (book review). Forward, May 17, 2002: p. 10-11. Photocopy.


Cheshire, Richard D. "A Plan for the Negro Colleges." The Drew Magazine, Summer 1968: p. 7, 23-24.Clasper

Christensen, Michael J. “A Faith-Based Response to the AIDS Crisis in Malawi.” The Living Pulpit, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2007, pp. 18-20.

Christensen, Michael J. “Teaching From the Center: Spirituality of the Heart in the Theology of Henri Nouwen.” KSEIT- Korean Society for Christian Education & Information Technology, Vol. 9, April 30, 2006, pp. 111-126.

Clasper, Paul D. "The Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Paul D. "The Buddhist-Christian Encounter in Burma." Practical Anthropology, vol. 6, no. 6, November-December 1959: p. 251-61.

Coddou, Marcelo. "Conjunciones Octavio Paz/Gonzalo Rojas." Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LX, 1994, Nos. 168-169, pp. 803-810. Photocopy.

Coddou, Marcelo. “Las contra-dicciones de un poeta chileno: Llanos Melussa.” Hispamerica revista de literature, Vol. XVI, No. 46-47, 1987: 197-208. Photocopy.

Coddou, Marcelo. “La dimension numinosa en la poesía de Gonzalo Rojas.” Tercer Milenio, Vol. II, No. 1, 1995, pp. 50-57. Photocopy.

Coddou, Marcelo. “Entrevista de Marcelo Coddou a Carlos Trujillo,” “Entrevista de Marcelo Coddou a Carlos Trujillo,” in Jorge Torres (ed.), Por el Territorio de Los Límites: Propuesta de Lectura de una Cierta Zona de la Poesía Chilena. Aproximaciones a la poesía de Carlos Alberto Trujillo, Valdivia: Ediciones Barba de Palo, 1996, pp. 177-192. Photocopy.


Coddou, Marcelo. “Konfidenz, de Ariel Dorfman” Book review. Acta Literaria, No. 19, 1994, pp. 107-113. Offprint

Coddou, Marcelo. “Pablo de Rokha, Nueva antología,” ed., Naín Nómez,, 1987. Hispamérica, XVII, 50, 1988, pp. 119-123. Book review. Photocopy.

Coddou, Marcelo. “Los Poemas Redivivos de Gonzalo Rojas o la Vigilancia de la Palabra.” Ibero-Amerikamisches Archiv, March-April 1989, 18 pp.


Coddou, Marcelo. “Sobre «Match Ball»: Entrevista A Antonio Skarmeta. Revista Iberoamericana, Num. 151, Abril-Junio 1990: pp. 579-582.

ColeCoddou, Marcelo.  “Sobre Mis Límites, de Carlos Trujillo,” in Jorge Torres (ed.), Por el Territorio de Los Límites: Propuesta de Lectura de una Cierta Zona de la Poesía Chilena. Aproximaciones a la poesía de Carlos Alberto Trujillo., Valdivia: Ediciones Barba de Palo, 1996, pp. 129-137.  Photocopy.

Cole, Darrell. "Just War, Penance, and the Church." Pro Ecclesia, vol. XI, no. 3, Summer 2002: p. Darrell. "Just War, Penance, and the Church." Pro Ecclesia, vol. XI, no. 3, Summer 2002: p. 313-28. Photocopy.

Connors, Linda E. "Creating a Useable Past: The Role of the Quarterly Review in Shaping a National Identity for its Provincial Readers, 1820s-1850s." Epilogue: Canadian Bulletin for the History of Books, Libraries, and Archives, vol. 13, 1998-2003: pp. 11-20. Offprint.

Connors, Linda E. "From Art to Corporation: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., and the Cultural Effects of Merger," in The Structure of International Publishing in the 1990s, Fred Kobrak and Beth Luey, eds., (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1992). Photocopy.


Connors, Linda E. "The Periodicals and Newspapers of Nineteenth-Century Britain and its Empire: Three Case Studies in 'Being British.'" With Mary Lu MacDonald and Elizabeth Morrison. Epilogue: Canadian Bulletin for the History of Books, Libraries, and Archives, vol. 13, 1998-2003: pp. 1-10. Offprint.

Corrington, Robert S. "Be-ness and Nothingness in The Secret Doctrine." The Theosophist, vol. 123, no. 8, May 2002: 302-06. Photocopy.


Curtis, Fred. “Éco-localism and sustainability.” Ecological Economics 46 (2003), 83-102. Offprint.

Curtis, Fred. "Ivy-Covered Exploitation." Re/Presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Marxism, ed. J. K. Gibson-Graham, Stephen Resnick, and Richard D. Wolff. Durham: Duke U P, 2001, pp. 81-104. Photocopy.


Earp, Edwin L. Die Relative Vollständigkeit und Hinlänglichkeit der Entwicklungs-Ethik der Christlichen Ethik. Leipzig: 1901.

Elkins, Heather Murray.  “Acts of God and Other Mysteries.” Weavings, XXI: I, 2006, pp. 38-45.

Elkins, Heather Murray. "Altar-ing the World: Community-forming Word and Worship." Preaching in the Context of Worship. Eds. David M. Greenhaw and Ronald J. Allen. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2000. Photocopy.


Faulkner, John Alfred. "Wesley as a Churchman." American Society of Church History, vol. 8, 1897: p. 161-77.

Fishburn, Janet Forsythe. See Janet Forsythe Fishburn Collection.

Friedrichs, Robert W. "Interpretation of Black Aggression." The Yale Review, Spring 1968: p. 358-74. (2 Copies).


Hough, Lynn Harold. "A New Revival of Learning." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 27, no.3, April 1939: p. 17-24. Original filed under "Guy, Norman."

Hough, Lynn Harold. Summer in the White Mountains, 1940.  Poems, no date, 16 p.

Hough, Lynn Harold. "The Well Made Man." The Drew University Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3, April 1938: 21-29. Bound in Issue. (Filled under Stafford, G. W.)


Jensen, Philip K. "Role of Blind Alleys in Latent Learning." Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 88, no. 1, 1971: p. 133-36. Photocopy of offprint.

Jensen, Philip K., James M. O’Kane, David Graybeal, and Robert W. Friedrichs, “Evaluating Compensatory Education: A Case Study.” Education and Urban Society, February 1972, pp. 211-233.

Johnson-DeBaufre, Melanie and Jane Schaberg. “There’s Something about Mary Magdalene.”  Ms. Magazine, Vol. XVI, No. 2, Spring, 2006, pp. 50-52.

Jones, Arthur E., Jr. Jones, Arthur E., Jr. "Treasure Hunting in the McClintock Collection." Times of Change, Times of Stress in Book History. Robert Darton, and Arthur E. Jones. Madison, NJ: The Graduate School of Drew University, 1981: p. 15-21. (2 Copies).


Jones, Francis P. "Church Life in Today's China." The Christian Century. May 22, 1957. Keller, Catherine. "Nelle Morton: 'Hearing to Speech'." Christian Century, February 7-14, 1990: p. 127, 148.

Keller, Catherine. “Nelle Morton: ‘Hearing to Speech.’”  Christian Century, February 7-14, 1990: pp. 127, 148.

Killian, Caitlin. "Culture on the Weekend: Maghrebin Women's Adaptation in France." Culture and Inequality: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Ed. T. J. Dowd. vol. 22, no. 3, 2002: p. 75-105. Photocopy of publication.


Kohn, David. “The Aesthetic Construction of Darwin’s Theory,” in A. I. Tauber (ed.), The Elusive Synthesis: Aesthetics and Science, Kluwer, 1996, pp. 13-48. Offprint.

Kohn, David. “Darwin’s Principle of Divergence as Internal Dialogue,” in E. Ullmann-Margalit (ed.), The Kaleidoscope of Science. D. Reidel, 1986: pp. 117-132.

Kohn, David.  Untitled essay, in Essays by Coordinators and Participants in the New Jersey Master Faculty Program: Perspectives for exploring the ways in which faculty and students think and learn 1988-1990.  Princeton: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, pp. 82-83. Photocopy.

Kuntz, Margaret. “Designed for Ceremony: The Cappella Paolina at the Vatican Palace.” JSAH: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 62, No. 2, June 2003, pp. 228-255. Offprint.

Kuntz, Margaret. “Maderno’s Building Procedures at New St. Peter’s: Why the Façade First?” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, Vol. 68, Issue 1, 2005, pp. 41-60. Offprint.


Laity, Cassandra. “H.D., Modernism, and the Transgressive Sexualities of Decadent-Romantic Platonism,” in Gendered Modernisms: American Women Poets and Their Readers, ed. M. Dickie and T. Travisano. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996, pp.45-68. Photocopy.


LaPenta, Daniel. “John McGrath’s ‘Border Warfare’.” Theater, Vol. 21, March 1, 1990: pp. 113-115. Photocopy.Lawler

LaPenta, Daniel. Theatre review of “‘Square Rounds’ By Tony Harrison, Royal National Theatre, London, 16 January 1993.” Theatre Journal, October, 1993, pp. 380-38. Photocopy.

Lawler, Edwina. “David Friedrich Strauβ.” Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. Edwina. “David Friedrich Strauβ.” Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 133: Nineteenth Century German Writers to 1840. 1993, pp. 270-279.


Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr., Louise Allison Cort, and Narasaki Shoichi. “A Regional Survey of Present-Day Earthenware and Stoneware Production in Mainland Southeast Asia” (in Japanese). Seto-shi Maizo Bunkazai Sentaa Kenkyu Kiyo (Seto Municipal Archaeological Center Research Report) 2000, 8: 105-192. Offprint.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Allison Cort. "An Approach to the Study of Contemporary Earthenware Technology in Mainland Southeast Asia." Journal of Siam Society, vol. 88, no. 1 & 2, 2000: p. 204-11. Offprint.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Buddhist Action: Lay Women and Thai Monks." Women's Buddhism, Buddhism's Women: Tradition,Revision, Renewal. Ellison Banks Findly, ed. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2000: p. 63-79.


Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Allison Cort. “Lost Innocence: Folk Craft Potters on Onta, Japan, By Brian Moeran.” Book review. Journal of Japanese Studies, 1996, 12(2):387-395. Offprint.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. “Milton Osborne, River Road to China: The Mekong River Expedition, 1866-73.” Book review. Journal of the Siam Society, Vol. 64, Part 1, 1976, pp. 435-437.


Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Cort. “Little Things Mean A Lot: Pots and Cloth in Northeast Thailand.” Journal of The Siam Society, Vol. 85, Parts 1 & 2, 1991, pp. 9-15. Offprint.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Tai Textiles in Vietnam: Three Landscapes." Asian Art and Culture, vol. 7, no. 1, 1994: pp. 63-76.


Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. and Louise Allison Cort. “Women at the Center of an Industrializing Craft: Earthenware Pottery Production in Northeast Thailand.” Museum Anthropology 23(1):21-32, 1999. Offprint.

Lefferts, H. Leedom, Jr. "Women's Textiles & Men's Crafts in Thai Culture." Festival of American Life. Smithsonian Institute, 1994: pp. 43-46.

Levi, Neil and Michael Rothberg. “Auschwitz and the Remains of Theory: Toward an Ethics of the Borderland.” symploke 11:1-2 (3003) 23-38.

Levi, Neil. “See that Straw? That’s a Straw: Anti-Semitism and Narrative Form in Ulysses.” Modernism/Modernity, Vol 9, No. 2, pp. 375-378.


Lewis, Edwin. "Free, Felt, and Full." Tidings, vol. 5, no. 3, April-June 1943: pp. 25-29. Original, bound with issue.

Lovin, Robin W. “Justice,” in A New Handbook of Christian Theology, ed. D. W. Musser and J. L. Price.  Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992.

Mace, David R. For Those Who Wear the Altar-Halter. New York: Women's Home Companion, Undated.


Madden, Kathleen M., and Aimee Johnson. "Factorinig higher-dimensional shifts of finite type onto the full shift." Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2005), 25, 811-822. Offprint.

Madden, Kathleen M., and Aimee S. A. Johnson. "Renewal Systems, Sharp-Eyed Snakes, and Shifts of Finite Type." The Mathematical Association of America Monthly, no. 109, March 2002: p. 258-272. Photocopy.

Madden, Kathleen M. "A Single Nonexpansive, Nonperiodic Rational Directio,." Complex Systems, no. 12, 2000: p. 253-260. Offprint.

Madden, Kathleen. "The Symbolic Dynamics of Multidimensional Tiling Systems." Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol. 23, 2003: p. 447-460.


Magnell, Thomas. “The Extent of Russell’s Modal Views.” Erkenntnis 34, 1991: pp.171-185.

Magnell, Thomas. "For Global Federation." Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 1, Spring-Summer 2004: pp. 1, 15-18.

Magnell, Thomas. "Foreword," Journal of Foreword," Journal of Value Inquiry, special issue, Principles of Ethics 100 Years after Principia Ethica, Susan Dimock, guest ed., vol. 37, 2003: pp. 297-300.

Magnell, Thomas. "For Global Federation." Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 1, Spring-Summer 2004: pp. 1, 15-18.Magnell, Thomas. “Foreword,” Journal of Value Inquiry, special issue, vol. 36, 2002: pp. 149-150.

Magnell, Thomas. “Foreword,” Journal of Value Inquiry, special issue, vol. 34, 2000: pp. 149-150.

Magnell, Thomas. “Fundamental and Technical Methods of Ethics.” International Journal of Value-Based Management 9, 1996: pp. 89-100.


Magnell, Thomas. “Present Concerns and Future Interests,” in Violence and Human Coexistence, Vol. IV. Montreal: Éditions Montmorency, 1995, p. 495-501. Photocopy.unmigrated-wiki-markup

Magnell, Thomas. "Present Concerns and Future Interests" \ [article in Chinese\]. _Studies in Ethics_, no. 2, 2003: p. 103-106.

Magnell, Thomas. “Private Values in a Public Arena.” Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 38, no. 1, 2004: pp. 1-9.


Michalson, Carl. "New Testament Teaching for Modern Living." Christian Action, vol. 10, no. 4, Oct.-Dec. 1955: p. 2-48. Original. 2 copies.

Miller, James M. and Gregory VKenneth G. Strothkamp. “Instruments for Atomic Spectroscopy in Elementary Chemistry Laboratories: Familiarizing Introductory Science Students with Advanced Equipment and Its Operation.” Journal of College Science Teaching, February 1995, pp. 264-265. Photocopy.

Miller, James M. and Gregory V. Nelson. "Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory Techniques (Film Review)" Journal of Nelson. "Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory Techniques (Film Review)" Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 48, no. 3, March 1971: pp. 209, A192.

Miller, James, Nancy Corkum, and Hank Avallone. “Training Analysts for a Pharmaceutical Laboratory.” Inside Laboratory Management, January 2000, pp. 26-29.

Mills, James W., Kenneth L. Duchin, and Yoon S. Lee. "Quenching of I2 Vapor Florescence Excited with He-Ne Laser Light." Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 50, no. 12, December 1973: pp. 858-61.

Moore, Stephen D. “A Modest Manifesto for New Testament Literary Criticism: How to Interface with a Literary Studies Field that is Post-Literary, Post-Theoretical, and Post-Methodological.” Biblical Interpretation 15 (2007) I-25, pp. 1-25.

Moore, Stephen D. "'O Man, Who Art Thou...?': Masculinity Studies and New Testament Studies," in New Testament Masculinities, ed. Stephen D. Moore and Janice Capel Anderson. Leiden : Koninklijke Brill NV, 2004.


Morsink, Johannes. "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a Norm for Societies in Transition," in Human Rights and Societies in Transition: Causes, Consequences, Responses, ed. Shale Horowitz and Albrecht Schnabel. New York : United Nations University Press, 2004: p. 29-52.

MuccigrossoMorton, John DNelle K. "The Brindisi Elogium and the Rejected Lectio Senatus of Appius Claudius Caecus." Histori, vol. 52 no. 4, 2003: p. 496-501.Morton, Nelle K. "Speculations on the Role Speculations on the Role of Women in Biblical Perspective." Christian Ministry, May 1971: pp. 23-26.

Morton, Nelle K. "Women's Liberation and the Church." Drew University Magazine, Winter 1970: pp. 14-16.

Muccigrosso, John D. "The Brindisi Elogium and the Rejected Lectio Senatus of Appius Claudius Caecus." Histori, vol. 52 no. 4, 2003: p. 496-501.

Muccigrosso, John D. “Religion and Politics: Did the Romans Scruple about the Placement of Their Temples?” in Religion in Republican Italy, ed. C. Schultz and P. Harvey, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 181-206.

Newlin, Dika. "Discs of Distinction" (Reviews of Masterpieces of Music before 1750 and L'Anthologie Sonore). Pan Pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota, vol. 47, no. 3, March 1955: p. 14. Original, bound with issue.


O’Kane, James M. “Deadly Sins and Murderous Deeds,” in Homenaje a Manuel Ferrer Regales, ed. Alban d’Entremont, et al. Pamplona, Spain: Eunsa, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A., 2002: pp. 1147-1163. Photocopy.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada. La expresividad en la cuentistica de Juan Bosch by Manuel Augusto Ossers Cabrera.” Hispania. (December 1991): 894-5.  Book Review. Photocopy.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada. "Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)." "Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)." Modern Spanish Dramatists: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, ed. Mary Parker. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002: p. 212-25. Photocopy.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada . "Revisión de la relación madre hija en Almudena Grandes,"in Rebeldia, denuncia y justicia social: voces enérgicas de autoras hispanoamericanas y españolas, ed. Clementia R. Adams. Miami : Ediciones Universal, 2004: p. 157-166.

Pearsall, Mary-Ann and István T. Horváth. “Solution structures of cobalt-rhodium clusters: the identification of a new hexanuclear cobalt-rhodium species,” Inorganica Chimica Acta 227 (1994) 187-189.

Pearsall, Mary-Ann, and Petra Escarpa Gaede et al. “Thermolytic reaction of 1,4-diisopropenylbenzene with Ru3(CO)12: an arene ligand as a template for cluster formation.” Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1996, pp. 4621-4627.

Peek, Philip M. and Martha G. Anderson. "Exhibition Preview: Ways of the Rivers: Arts and Environment of the Niger Delta." African Arts Magazine, vol. 35, no. 1, Spring 2002: p.12-25, 93. Photocopy. Missing p. 93, (references).


Reeves, John A. "Soccer Activities for Small Groups." Athletic Journal, vol. 54, no. 10, June 1974: p. 8-9, 49.

RiemerRhone, Neal. (See separate collection and finding aid.)

Riemer, Neal. "Covenant and the Federal Constitution." Publuis, vol. 10, no. 4, Fall 1980: p. 135-48. Offprint.

Riemer, Neal. "Creative Breakthroughs in Politics." The Journal of Political Inquiry, 1974. No pagination. Reprint.

Richard S.  “Koopermann, et al. Oil and the International Economy: Lessons from Two Price Shocks.” Perpectives on Political Science, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1991, p. 51-52. Book Review.  Photocopy.

Rhone, Richard S.  “Moynihan, Daniel Patrick. On the Law of Nations: A Historical and Personal Account of the Role of International Law in Foreign Policy.” Perspectives on Political Science 21.1 (Winter 1992): 51-52.  Book Review.  Photocopy.

Rice, Charles L.  “Preface” to The Embodied Word: Preaching as Art and Liturgy, by Charles L. Rice.  Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991. Photocopy.

Riemer, Neal. (See separate collection and finding aid.)

Riemer, Neal. "Covenant and the Federal Constitution." Publius, vol. 10, no. 4, Fall 1980: p. 135-48.

Riemer, Neal. "Creative Breakthroughs in Politics." The Journal of Political Inquiry, 1974. No pagination. Reprint.

Riemer, Neal. "The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism and the Problem of Value (Book Review)." Political TheoryRiemer, Neal. "The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Natualism and the Problem of Value (Book Review)." Political Theory, August 1974: p. 351-54.


Riemer, Neal. "Watergate and Prophetic Politics." The Review of Politics, vol. 36, no. 2, April 1974: p. 284-97. Reprint. 2 copies.

Riemer, Ruby. ”Gilles "Gilles Deleuze, Foucault” (Book review). APA Newsletter on Teaching Philosophy, Spring 1989: pp. 118-119. Photocopy.

Riemer, Ruby. “The Old Great Round.” Hypatia, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1990.

Riemer, Ruby. “The Path Through Loantaka.” Journal of New Jersey Poets. Vol. XII, No. 2, 1990.

Riemer, Ruby. ”The Politics of ”The Politics of Socialism: An Essay in Political Theory, by John Dunn.” (Book review). Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 18, 1988: pp. 403-406.


Rissman, Paul. "Seasonal Aspects of Man/Cattle Interaction in Bronze Age Western India." Journal of Ethnobiology, vol. 6, no. 2, Winter 1986: p. 257-77. Offprint.

Rogers, Robert William. Two Texts of Esarhaddon (King of Assyria 681-668 B.C.). Cambridge: C. J. Clay, M.A. and Sons, at the University Press, 1889. (Abstract from Haverford College Studies, no. 2.) Original reprint.

Rogers, Robert William. Unpublished Inscriptions of Esarhaddon: in Autograph Facsimile with Transliteration and Translation. Cambridge: C. J. Clay, M.A. and Sons, at the University Press, 1891.

Rosan, Alan and D. M. Romano. (η5-Cyclopentadienyl) manganese Dicarbonyl η3-Allyl Cations. Organometallics, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1990: pp. 1048-1052.


Rosan, Alan. "Organic Structures from Spectra, 3rd Edition" (book review). Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 79, no. 11, November 2002: p. 1323-24. Photocopy.

Rosan, Alan M.  Untitled essay, in Essays by Coordinators and Participants in the New Jersey Master Faculty Program: Perspectives for exploring the ways in which faculty and students think and learn 1988-1990.  Princeton: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, pp. 84-86. Photocopy.

Rose, Jonathan. “B.T. Batsford (London: 1874- ),” in British Literary Publishing Houses, 1820, ed. P. Patricia J. Anderson and J. Jonathan Rose. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 106. Detroit: Gale, 1991, pp. 15-18. Photocopy.

Rose, Jonathan.  “In the Minds of the Masses.” Gannett Center Journal: World Media, Vol. 4, No. 4, Fall 1990. Book reviews, including Robert Darnton, The Kiss of Lamourette: Reflections in Cultural History and Jeffrey Brooks: When Russia Learned to Read, pp. 137-146, Photocopy.

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Last updated 9/29/06 by Cheryl Oestreicher; updated 1/15/14 by Kim Magnell, updated 8/10/2022 by Matthew Beland