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Drew University Archives

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Note: The Faculty-Alumni Publications Collection, a permanent collection of works written or edited by a Drew University faculty or staff member or alumna/e, is comprised of two separate sub-collections. Monographs are cataloged as regular library books and shelved in the Archives Rm. 312, shelves F29-46317. Articles and Offprints are preserved in archival boxes in Archives Rm. 312, shelf A14. 315 in the Faculty-Alumni Publications filing cabinet.. They are searchable through this bibliographic index, alphabetized by faculty, staff or alumna/e author.


Alba, Esther Sanchez-Grey. “Los Siete Locos de Roberto Arlt.” Circulo: Revista de Cultura, Vol. XII, 1983, pp. 31-41.

Alba, Esther Sanchez-Grey.  “Perfil de una ensayista de América: Dolores Martí de Cid.” Estudios de Ciencias y Letras, Vols. 14-15, 1987, pp. 171-178.  Photocopy.

Aldrich, Frederich A. and Margueritte L Marks. "Wymann Reed Green, American Biologist." BIOS, vol. 23, no. 1, March 1952: p. 26-35.


Berke, Jacqueline and Ann L. Saltzman. “Teaching the Holocaust: The Case for an Interdisciplinary Approach,” in New Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Guide for Teachers and Scholars, ed. Rochelle L. Millen et al., 1996, pp. 131-140. Photocopy.

Berke, Jacqueline.  Untitled essay, in Essays by Coordinators and Participants in the New Jersey Master Faculty Program: Perspectives for exploring the ways in which faculty and students think and learn 1988-1990.  Princeton: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, pp. 114-115.

Bicknell, John W. "Alexander, Edward. John Morley." Choice, vol. 10, September 1973. Book Review.


Bicknell, John W. "Trollope, Anthony. The New Zealander." Choice, vol. 9, no. 9, November 1972: p. 1134. Book Review.

Bicknell, John W. "WeisteinWeinstein, Mark A. William Edmondstoune Aytone and the Spasmodic Controversy." Choice vol. 5, no. 8, October 1968:
p. 963.


Burke, Kenneth. "What are the Signs of What?: A Theory of 'Entitlement'." Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 4, no. 6, June 1962: 21 pages. Typescript.

BurnsteinBurstein, Janet. "War of Contraries" (book review). Tikkun. vol. 17, no. 1, January/February 2002: p. 73-74. Photocopy.

BurnsteinBurstein, Janet. "What Pain? What Strengths?: Writings by the Kin of Shoah Survivors Speak of the Burdens, and Privilege, of Imaginings Events Known Only Through the Scars of Their Parents" (book review). Forward, May 17, 2002: p. 10-11. Photocopy.


Coddou, Marcelo. “Sobre «Match Ball»: Entrevista A Antonio Skarmeta. Revista Iberoamericana, Num. 151, Abril-Junio 1990: pp. 579-582.

ColeCoddou, Marcelo.  “Sobre Mis Límites, de Carlos Trujillo,” in Jorge Torres (ed.), Por el Territorio de Los Límites: Propuesta de Lectura de una Cierta Zona de la Poesía Chilena. Aproximaciones a la poesía de Carlos Alberto Trujillo., Valdivia: Ediciones Barba de Palo, 1996, pp. 129-137.  Photocopy.

Cole, Darrell. "Just War, Darrell. "Just War, Penance, and the Church." Pro Ecclesia, vol. XI, no. 3, Summer 2002: p. 313-28. Photocopy.


Faulkner, John Alfred. "Wesley as a Churchman." American Society of Church History, vol. 8, 1897: p. 161-77.

Fishburn, Janet Forsythe. See Janet Forsythe Fishburn Collection.

Friedrichs, Robert W. "Interpretation of Black Aggression." The Yale Review, Spring 1968: p. 358-74. (2 Copies).


Hough, Lynn Harold. "A New Revival of Learning." Drew University Bulletin, vol. 27, no.3, April 1939: p. 17-24. Original filed under "Guy, Norman."

Hough, Lynn Harold. Summer in the White Mountains, 1940.  Poems, no date, 16 p.

Hough, Lynn Harold. "The Well Made Man." The Drew University Bulletin, vol. 26, no. 3, April 1938: 21-29. Bound in Issue. (Filled under Stafford, G. W.)


Jones, Francis P. "Church Life in Today's China." The Christian Century. May 22, 1957. Keller, Catherine. "Nelle Morton: 'Hearing to Speech'." Christian Century, February 7-14, 1990: p. 127, 148.

Keller, Catherine. “Nelle Morton: ‘Hearing to Speech.’”  Christian Century, February 7-14, 1990: pp. 127, 148.

Killian, Caitlin. "Culture on the Weekend: Maghrebin Women's Adaptation in France." Culture and Inequality: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Ed. T. J. Dowd. vol. 22, no. 3, 2002: p. 75-105. Photocopy of publication.


Kohn, David. “Darwin’s Principle of Divergence as Internal Dialogue,” in E. Ullmann-Margalit (ed.), The Kaleidoscope of Science. D. Reidel, 1986: pp. 117-132.Kuntz

Kohn, David.  Untitled essay, in Essays by Coordinators and Participants in the New Jersey Master Faculty Program: Perspectives for exploring the ways in which faculty and students think and learn 1988-1990.  Princeton: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, pp. 82-83. Photocopy.

Kuntz, Margaret. “Designed for Ceremony Margaret. “Designed for Ceremony: The Cappella Paolina at the Vatican Palace.” JSAH: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 62, No. 2, June 2003, pp. 228-255.


Lewis, Edwin. "Free, Felt, and Full." Tidings, vol. 5, no. 3, April-June 1943: pp. 25-29. Original, bound with issue.

Lovin, Robin W. “Justice,” in A New Handbook of Christian Theology, ed. D. W. Musser and J. L. Price.  Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992.

Mace, David R. For Those Who Wear the Altar-Halter. New York: Women's Home Companion, Undated.


Magnell, Thomas. “The Extent of Russell’s Modal Views.” Erkenntnis 34, 1991: pp.171-185.

Magnell, Thomas. "For Global Federation." Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 1, Spring-Summer 2004: pp. 1, 15-18.

Magnell, Thomas. "Foreword," Journal of Value Inquiry, special issue, Principles of Ethics 100 Years after Principia Ethica, Susan Dimock, guest ed., vol. 37, 2003: pp. 297-300.

Magnell, Thomas. "For Global Federation." Concerned Philosophers for Peace Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 1, Spring-Summer 2004: pp. 1, 15-18.Magnell, Thomas. “Foreword,” Journal of “Foreword,” Journal of Value Inquiry, special issue, vol. 36, 2002: pp. 149-150.

Magnell, Thomas. “Foreword,” Journal of Value Inquiry, special issue, vol. 34, 2000: pp. 149-150.

Magnell, Thomas. “Fundamental and Technical Methods of Ethics.” International Journal of Value-Based Management 9, 1996: pp. 89-100.


Morsink, Johannes. "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a Norm for Societies in Transition," in Human Rights and Societies in Transition: Causes, Consequences, Responses, ed. Shale Horowitz and Albrecht Schnabel. New York : United Nations University Press, 2004: p. 29-52.

Morton, Nelle K. "Speculations on the Role of Women in Biblical Perspective." Christian Ministry, May 1971: pp. 23-26.

Morton, Nelle K. "Women's Liberation and the Church." Drew University Magazine, Winter 1970: pp. 14-16.

Muccigrosso, John D. "The Brindisi Elogium and the Rejected Lectio Senatus of Appius Claudius Caecus." Histori, vol. 52 no. 4, 2003: p. 496-501.

Muccigrosso, John D. “Religion and Politics: Did the Romans Scruple about the Placement of Their Temples?” in Religion in Republican Italy, ed. C. Schultz and P. Harvey, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 181-206.Morton

Newlin, Nelle KDika. "Speculations on the Role of Women in Biblical Perspective." Christian Ministry, May 1971: pp. 23-26.

Morton, Nelle K. "Women's Liberation and the Church." Drew University Magazine, Winter 1970: pp. 14-16.

Newlin, Dika. "Discs of Distinction" (Reviews of Masterpieces of Music before 1750 and L'Anthologie Sonore). Pan Pipes Discs of Distinction" (Reviews of Masterpieces of Music before 1750 and L'Anthologie Sonore). Pan Pipes of Sigma Alpha Iota, vol. 47, no. 3, March 1955: p. 14. Original, bound with issue.


O’Kane, James M. “Deadly Sins and Murderous Deeds,” in Homenaje a Manuel Ferrer Regales, ed. Alban d’Entremont, et al. Pamplona, Spain: Eunsa, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A., 2002: pp. 1147-1163. Photocopy.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada. La expresividad en la cuentistica de Juan Bosch by Manuel Augusto Ossers Cabrera.” Hispania. (December 1991): 894-5.  Book Review. Photocopy.

Ortúzar-Young, Ada. "Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)." Modern Spanish Dramatists: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook, ed. Mary Parker. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002: p. 212-25. Photocopy.


Reeves, John A. "Soccer Activities for Small Groups." Athletic Journal, vol. 54, no. 10, June 1974: p. 8-9, 49.

RiemerRhone, Richard S.  “Koopermann, et al. Oil and the International Economy: Lessons from Two Price Shocks.” Perpectives on Political Science, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1991, p. 51-52. Book Review.  Photocopy.

Rhone, Richard S.  “Moynihan, Daniel Patrick. On the Law of Nations: A Historical and Personal Account of the Role of International Law in Foreign Policy.” Perspectives on Political Science 21.1 (Winter 1992): 51-52.  Book Review.  Photocopy.

Rice, Charles L.  “Preface” to The Embodied Word: Preaching as Art and Liturgy, by Charles L. Rice.  Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991. Photocopy.

Riemer, Neal. (See separate collection and finding aid.)

Riemer, Neal. "Covenant and the Federal Constitution." Publius, vol. Neal. (See separate collection and finding aid.)Riemer, Neal. "Covenant and the Federal Constitution." Publius, vol. 10, no. 4, Fall 1980: p. 135-48.


Riemer, Ruby. “The Old Great Round.” Hypatia, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1990.

Riemer, Ruby. “The Path Through Loantaka.” Journal of New Jersey Poets. Vol. XII, No. 2, 1990.

Riemer, Ruby. ”The ”The Politics of Socialism: An Essay in Political Theory, by John Dunn.” (Book review). Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 18, 1988: pp. 403-406.


Rogers, Robert William. Unpublished Inscriptions of Esarhaddon: in Autograph Facsimile with Transliteration and Translation. Cambridge: C. J. Clay, M.A. and Sons, at the University Press, 1891.

Rosan, Alan and D. M. Romano. (η5-Cyclopentadienyl) manganese Dicarbonyl η3-Allyl Cations. Organometallics, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1990: pp. 1048-1052.


Rosan, Alan. "Organic Structures from Spectra, 3rd Edition" (book review). Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 79, no. 11, November 2002: p. 1323-24. Photocopy.

Rosan, Alan M.  Untitled essay, in Essays by Coordinators and Participants in the New Jersey Master Faculty Program: Perspectives for exploring the ways in which faculty and students think and learn 1988-1990.  Princeton: Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, pp. 84-86. Photocopy.

Rose, Jonathan. “B.T. Batsford (London: 1874- ),” in British Literary Publishing Houses, 1820, ed. P. Patricia J. Anderson and J. Jonathan Rose. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 106. Detroit: Gale, 1991, pp. 15-18. Photocopy.

Rose, Jonathan.  “In the Minds of the Masses.” Gannett Center Journal: World Media, Vol. 4, No. 4, Fall 1990. Book reviews, including Robert Darnton, The Kiss of Lamourette: Reflections in Cultural History and Jeffrey Brooks: When Russia Learned to Read, pp. 137-146, Photocopy.

Rose, Jonathan and Patricia J. Anderson, eds. “Foreword,” in British Literary Publishing Houses, 1820, ed. Patricia J. Anderson and Jonathan and Patricia J. Anderson, eds. “Foreword,” in British Literary Publishing Houses, 1820, ed. P. J. Anderson and J. Rose. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 106. Detroit: Gale, 1991, pp. ix-x. Photocopy.

Rose, Johnathan and Simon Eliot. "Introduction," A Companion to the History of the Book, ed., Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007, pp. 1-6. "Introduction," A Companion to the History of the Book, ed., Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2007, pp. 1-6.

Ryan, Michael D., with Ruth Drucilla Richardson and Andreas Reich.  "The Magnificent Prairie and City Culture of the German Democratic Republic: The Schleiermacher Tour–Weimar, Jena, Halle, Herrnhut, Niesky, Berlin, June 21-July 2, 1988."  Conference Report.New Athenaeum, Vol. II, 1991, pp. 202-231.  Photocopy.

Ryan, Michael D. and Edwina Lawler. Translation of  Schleiermacher's essay, "The Boat Ride (1786)." New Athenaeum, Vol. II, 1991, pp. 171-174.  Photocopy.


Salathe, Karl M. "Drew Goes to Market — But Not to Sell Soap." p. 14-17.


Savage, Carl. “Supporting Evidence for a First-Century Bethsaida,” in Religion, Ethnicity, and Identity in Ancient Galilee: A Region in Transition, ed., J. Zangenberg, H. Attridge, and D. Martin., Mohr Siebeck, 2007, pp. 193-206A Region in Transition, ed., J. Zangenberg, H. Attridge, and D. Martin., Mohr Siebeck, 2007, pp. 193-206.

Schmidt, Leigh Eric.  “Piety, Commercialism, Activism: The Uses of Mother’s Day.” The Christian Century, Vol. 108, No. 16, May 9, 1991, pp. 522-524. Photocopy.

Schmidt, Leigh Eric.  “Sacramental Occasions and the Scottish Context of Presbyterian Revivalism in America,” in Scotland and America in the Age of the Enlightenment, R. B. Sher and J. R. Smitten, eds. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1990, pp. 65-80.  Photocopy.

Seymour, Harold. "How Baseball Began." The New-York Historical Society Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 4, October 1956: p. 369-86. Original bound in issue.


Selengut, Charles. “By Torah Alone: Yeshiva Fundamentalism in Jewish Life,” in Accounting For Fundamentalism, Marin Mary and Scott Appleby, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994: pp. 236-263. Photocopy.

Seneca, Rosalind S. and Peter Asch.  “Corporate Social Responsibility: An Economic Perspective on an ‘Ethical’ Issue”  Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy Vol. 2, No. 4, 1987: pp. 849-856.

Shippey, Frederick A. "Are We Innocently Unaware?" The Christian Home, vol. 24, no. 6, February 1965: p. 2-4.


Siebert, Donald R., Gary A. West, and Joseph J. Barrett. "Gaseous Trace Analysis Using Pulsed Photoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy." Applied Optics, vol. 19, no., January 1, 1980: p. 53-60p. 53-60.

Siebert, Lynn L.  Record Review of “The Classic Hoagy Carmichael (Smithsonian Collection of Records, with Indiana Historical Society, 1988).” American Music, Vol. 6, Number 3, Fall, 1990, pp. 375-377.  Photocopy.

Singh, Joel and Carl Jervis. Twelve Things: My Decision for Christ. Hissar: Crusade for Christ---India, Undated.


Smith, Robert G. "Metropolitan Public Authorities." Metropolitan Problems. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 1963. Reprinted 1966: p. 33-42.

Smith, Robert G.  “Reorganization of Regional Transportation Authorities to Maintain Urban/Suburban Constituency Balance.” Public Administration Review, March/April 1987: pp. 171-179.

Smith-Wright, Geraldine.  “In Spite of the Klan: Ghosts in the Fiction of Black Women Writers,” in Haunting the House of Fiction: Feminist Perspectives on Ghost Stories by American Women, ed., Lynette Carpenter and Wendy K. Kolmar.  Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1991, pp. 142-165.

Snelson, Pamela and S. Anita Talar. "Content Analysis of ACRL Conference Papers." College & Research Libraries, September 1991: p. 466-72. Reprint.


Strong, James. "Affinity of the Hebrew and Greek Languages." Methodist Quarterly Review, vol. 47, no. 17, July 1865: p. 430-44.Strong, James. Strong's Epitome of Greek Grammar. Missing Title Page.44.

Strong, James. Strong's Epitome of Greek Grammar. Missing Title Page.

Stroker, William D.  “Agraph,” in Anchor Bible Dictionary.  New York: Doubleday, 1992.

Strothcamp, Kenneth G., Grace Yong, and Christine Leone. "Agaricus bisporus Metaptyrosinase: Preparation, Characterization, and Conversion to Mixed-Metal Derivatives of the Binuclear Site." Biochemistry, 1990, 29, pp. 9684-9690.

Strothcamp, Kenneth G., Sunitha Menon, Robyn W. Fleck, Grace Yong. "Benzoic Acid Inhibition of the α, β, and γ Isozymes of Agaricus bisporus Tyrosinase.” Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol. 280, No. 1, July 1990, pp. 27-32.

Box 7

Sugerman, Shirley. "Sin and Madness: Narcissus Reconsidered." Language and Style, vol. 10, no. 4, Fall 1977: p. 285-95. Original bound in issue.


Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey City Jazz Liturgy: an Original Setting for Choir, Improvising Musicians and Congregational Participation." Jersey City, NJ: Grace Enterprises, 1980. Photocopy. 16 pgs.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy: Agnus Dei: Trombone." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pgp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Agnus Dei: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pgp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Gloria: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 8 Pgsp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Nunc Dimittis: Trombone." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 3 Pgsp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Liturgy:Nunc Dimittis: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pgsp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Agnus Dei." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pgp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Gloria." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 8 Pgsp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Nunc Dimittis." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 3 Pgsp.

Talbert, Bruce. "A Jersey Jazz Mass:Sanctus." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 5 Pgsp.

Talbert, Bruce. " Kyrie: Trumpet in C." Publisher unknown, undated. Photocopy. 1 Pgp. 2 copies.

Temple, Louise M., David M. Miyamoto, et al. “Bordetella avium Virulence Measured in Vivo and in Vitro.” Infection and Immunity, Nov. 1998, pp. 5244-5251.


Ueland, Carol. “Viacheslav Ivanov’s ‘Malicious Counter-Revolutionary Verses’: Pesni Smutgogo Vremeni Reconsidered.” Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 26, Nos. 1-3 (1992), 77-96.

Ueland, Carol R.  “Joseph Brodsky and Aleksandr Kushner: The Relationship in Verse,” in American Contributions to the 13th International Congress of Slavists, Vol. 2: Literature. Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers, Indiana University, 2003, p. 181-202. Bound in original.

Van Wyk, Christopher J. and Peter W. Shor. "Detecting and decomposing self-overlapping curves.” Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 2 (1992): 31-50.


West, Traci C. "The Policing of Poor Black Women's Sexual Reproduction." God Forbid: Religion and Sex in American Life. Ed. Kathleen M. Sands. Oxford: Oxford U P, 2000: p. 135-51, 2000: p. 135-51.

Wice, Paul.  “Preface” to Judges and Lawyers: The Human Side of Justice, by Paul Wice.  New York: Harper Collins, 1991.Photocopy.

Williams, Colin W. "Evangelism and the Congregation." The Ecumenical Review, Vol. 16, no. 2, January 1964: 7 pgs. Cover labeled Resources for Renewal 3.


Yanique, Tiphanie. The Saving Work. Tucson, Ariz.: Korepress, 2007, 22 p.

Yardley, Anne Bagnall.  “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth: A Late medieval source of the Consecratio virginum,” in Studies in Medieval Music Festschrift for Ernest H. Sanders.  New York: Department of Music, Columbia University, 1990, pp. 305-324. Photocopy.

Zuck, Robert K. "Alternation of Generations and the Mode of Nutrition." Drew University Studies No. 6, September 1953. Cross Listed as Drew University Bulletin, vol. 41, no. 3. Reprinted with minor corrections 1964. Original.


Zuck, Robert K. Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation. "Planting a Seed of Wildness." The Inch, vol. 20, no. 3, Fall 1970: p. 2-5. Original, bound in issue.

Zuck, Robert K. "The Scientific Value of the Conservation of Vegetation in New Jersey." New Jersey Nature News, vol. 21, no. 2, June 1966: p. 76-81. Original, bound with issue. Also in file, offprint without illustrations, 4 pgs.Zuck, Robert K. "Simplified Permanent Aceto-Carmine Smears with a Water-Miscible Mountant." Stain Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, July 1947: p. 109-10. Offprint.


Last updated 9/29/06 by Cheryl Oestreicher; updated 1/15/14 by Kim Magnell, updated 8/10/2022 by Matthew Beland